chapter thirteen

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where u at
u said we were meeting back at the food court
does peeing take that long

will, marshmallows r on sale
idk where i am
but marshmallows!!

hold on
dude no one knows where a marshmallow stand is!
what do u see around u

oh i see u

holy fucking hell

u look super short

el, i swear

i need to get my marshmallows first
can u not see me!!!

no you're short as hell

that's rude
i see a very tall large mike
he can probably see me

yep he can
u r so dumb
couldn't u have just said in front of hollister?

i'm so sorry but at least you found me 🙂🙂

you're so dumb

why, thank u 🥰
why r we still texting
i c u, u c me

because you are still texting

then imma go!
(seen 4:46pm)


"marshmallows, look!" el smiles widely, "they have different flavours too!"

"you idiot, we're not getting these. they're way to expensive." will says.

"no they're not! miss sales lady, how much is the big bags?" she asks the sales.

the woman smiles down softly at her, "one bag is $10, two are $15."

"see! so cheap! i'll take four bags, please. one chocolate flavour, strawberry, sprinkles and oh, the snow frost special!" el smiles widely.

"el-" wills starts.

"oh shush, don't you like it when i eat?" she snaps, taking out her money, "what's my total?"

"you dumbass, 15 times 2." mike laughs at her as she shoots him a glare.

"it's $30, darling." the woman's smiles, "i'll give you a small bag of marshmallows for free. the flavour is special so if you like it you can come back and get it."

el gasps happily, "thank you!" she hands her the money and grabs the bag in exchange, "i will come back."

"alright that's enough sweets." will drags her away as she continues to wave with a smile, "will! let go!"

he lets go off her as she huffs, "i wonder what's the special flavour."

"you can taste it at home. we're going to eat now." he says as she groans quietly.

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