chapter sixteen

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"mike! what are you doing!?" el exclaims, her hand over her chest as she breathes heavily.

he stands up from the ground, "once again; your window is easier to climb."

"that doesn't mean you can just climb into my bedroom in the middle of the night!" she points to the clock.

he chuckles, rubbing the back of his head as she sighs.

"why are you here at 1:37am?" she asks, crossing her arms.

he points to his face, "can i crash here?"

her face softens, standing up and walking closer towards him so she can see his wounds.

"oh my god." she breathes out, seeing the bruises all over his face and the large cut on his arm, "come with me." she leads him to the bathroom as he sits down by the tub.

"there might still be glass in there." he says as she nods.

"just stay very still." she says, grabbing a pair of tweezers and sitting down next to him.

tying up her hair, she inspects his cut, finding any small pieces of glass so she can take out.

"oh christ." he bites down on his bottom lip.

"i said; don't move. there's not much glass, don't worry." she reassures him before continuing.

"okay, now the alcohol. this'll hurt." she says.

"i need some fucking alcohol." he grumbles as she holds back a giggle.

"holy shit!" he winces as she dabs the alcohol onto his wound, "oh calm down, will you." she grabs a bandage as he sighs.

she slowly places the bandage on him and dumps the trash into the small rubbish bin before grabbing a towel to run it through some cold water.

she places the towel on his bruises, "i don't have ice right now but this will do."

"doctor el. it has a ring to it." he grins.

she laughs, "very funny."

"you laughed, it is." he says as she rolls her eyes, "i hope wills door is open, you're all set."

he hums, "thanks, doctor el." he teases, standing up and walking out.

"i really hope that doesn't stick." she mutters as he exits her room, "oh it will."

she holds back a small smile, walking back to her bed to go back to sleep.

"why does that man lock his door?" mike walks back in as she groans, standing up.

she walks past him and fiddles with the doorknob, "i'm demanding an extra key next time."

he grins, "guess i'm crashing in your room. how fun." he teases as she sighs, walking back in and shutting her door.

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