chapter twenty-three

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"mike, you really don't have to stay." will says as mike shakes his head, "i want to."

"and why do you? it's like you have something hiding from me." will crosses his arms and raises an eyebrow.

"what!? no! i just care about her!" mike exclaims and sits down.

"did you guys get into another fight? you guys stopped talking." will points out.

"okay and?" mike asks with a scoff.

"and something happened!" he exclaims as they start to fight.

the fight got louder and louder. till the point they didn't realise that el was slowly starting to wake up.

she tries to open her eyes but was too tried too. so she tried again, until the blurriness faded away and the ringing in her ears stopped.

she looks around the unfamiliar yet familiar room until she her gaze lands on will and mike who was screaming at each other by this point.

she considers calling for them, but considering she didn't have the energy to talk and she kind of didn't want to talk to them, she didn't.

she switches her gaze to the door and stares at it blankly since her body still felt numb.

"el?" mike asks as she shifts her eyes and looks at him.

"holy shit! call the nurse, call the nurse!" will starts to pace around, "how do we call the nurse!?"

"you press the button dipshit!" mike yells, pressing the button by the bed repeatedly.

"stop pressing it so much!" will shoves him away and presses the button himself.

"you're pressing it too!" mike exclaims as will smiles widely at el.

"how are you feeling? do you hurt anywhere?" will asks as she shakes her head slowly.

she stares at them, her eyes half shut, "go away." she manages to whisper.

"him or me?" will asks, referencing to mike.

mike slaps his arm as he groans.

"both of you." she looks away as they frown right as the nurse and doctors rush in.

"what's the problem?" joyce asks, walking through the door.

"she's awake!" will exclaims as the nurses walk towards her.

"how are you feeling? any pain of sorts?" dr miller asks as el shakes her head.

"are you feeling tied? hungry?" she continues.

"tired." el replies, "no energy."

"okay. i think you need some food. you don't have enough nutrition." dr miller says as the nurses quickly walk out, probably to grab her some dinner.

"now el-" dr miller starts.

"don't give her the speech. she doesn't like it." will cuts in as she nods, "okay then."

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