chapter fifteen

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"will, shut up. it's sunday, i'm trying to sleep so can you tell the party to quiet down?" el asks into her pillow.

"sorry! i left my charger in your room." he says, grabbing it, "i'll wake you later!" he laughs, walking out as she groans.

"shush!" she throws a pillow at the door as he slams it shut before it hits him.

sighing, she cuddles up in the bed, hugging another pillow as she tries to fall back into deep slumber.

"oh jesus fuck." her door slams open and shut as she groans, sitting up, "mike, get out of my room. i'm trying to sleep!"

"max is coming at me with a fucking knife! just let me stay in here for a while!" he exclaims as she sighs, laying down.

"just don't bother me." she murmurs.

"cuter bed set up. never knew you were a girl to sleep with such little clothing though." he grins as she puts the covers over her head.

"i'm just saying, you look pretty-"

"shut the fuck up! i'm trying to sleep!" she shouts, throwing a pillow right at his face as he yelps, dropping to the floor.


"now shut up before i throw you out of my room." she threatens.

"right, sorry. you don't even have a chair in your room? goddamn." he grumbles under his breath as she couldn't help but chuckle tiredly, "hmm, i broke it."

"the fuck? doing what?" he asks.

"i actually don't know. sometimes when i have terrible nightmares i think i either get up and lose control or my powers do." she murmurs, "either way, i need a need one. you can sit on my cute beanbag for now."

"i ain't sitting on that shit. it's purple and fucking tiny." he points, "alright then don't sit." she says.

"but i want to sit!" he whines as she groans, "you're absolutely annoying. sit at the edge of my bed then but shoes off since my bed is clean and don't you dare make a sound."

he grins, kicking off his shoes and makes his way towards her bed. expecting him to sit down just at the edge, his whole body some how ends up on the bed and he leans back against the headboard.

"i said at the edge, mike." she mutters.

"that's uncomfortable." he teases her as she sighs, "i can't deal with this."


"please get your fuckboy arm off my sister." will demands, shoving mike awake as he groans.

somehow he had fell asleep too during the time he was hiding from max and somehow his arm made his way around el, allowing her to lay at the side of his chest.

"did i fall asleep?" mike asks.

"yes you did and your now you and el are now cuddled up. it's 11." will informs him as he stands up slowly, careful not to wake el.

"let her sleep, she barely sleeps at night." will continues, signalling to el as he yawns with a nod.

stretching, mike then makes his way out of el's room and probably downstairs to find something to eat like always.

as wills was about to exit, he heard el whisper oh so very quietly.

"will... can you pass me my extra blanket and pillow? it's cold." she murmurs, eyes still closed and probably half asleep.

"sure thing." he nods, picking up the blanket and pillow from the ground and placing it besides her.

"thank you. goodnight." she says as he chuckles, "goodnight. oh and el?"


"i'll wake you up in an hour since it's eleven already." he informs.

"aw, it's me." she giggles.

he rolls his eyes playfully, "yeah yeah." he walks out of her room and back downstairs.

"is she up yet?" joyce asks as he shakes his head, "no. but we should let her sleep, right?"

"yes, of course. just needed to make sure she was okay." joyce smiles softly before walking away.


a/n: pls this is just a terrible filler chap! i never wrote such a short ass chapter before but i actually have no inspo rn!!

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