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"We'll be ok" Athen grabbed my hand, I sighed looking out the window at the multiple trees passing by, we didn't know where we were going, we had no plans barely any money and were tired

We've been driving all night to find just somewhere to sleep, I closed my eyes for a while waiting, we stopped suddenly making me look around, I saw a run-down place with flashing lights at the top saying


Half of it was burnt out making the letters show up as 'mol' I look at Athena to see her smiling at me "grab your bags" she said, I nodded my head and walked out to open the back doors, she grabbed hers and I grabbed mine

I was older than Athena by two minutes, I used to use that against her all the time but in reality, she was more the big sister than me, she always looked after me and honestly is more mature than me.

We walked to the front desk, an older man looked up at us, he looked us both up and down taking us in longer than he should have, I moved my bag in front of me, what a fucking creep

"Hi yes can we get one room," Athena said walking all the way up to the desk, I followed after her, "how many beds," he said licking his teeth, "one is fine" Athena looked at me, I nodded my head

"Are you sure?" He asked, "quite sure thank you," I said seriously, the man looked at me and narrowed his eyes, I threw on a smile

"How much," Athena asked

"80," he said still looking at me, pissed off another person tonight, great

Athena reached into the bag taking out the amount of money that he needed, she handed the money to the desk and in return, he handed us a card, I took the card from him and walked away "sorry about her it's been a long night, goodbye" Athena said following after me, she was so nice to everybody no matter what happened

I looked at the card number and walked down the hall, I stopped at the same number and slid the card inside, it didn't work. "What the fuck" I mumbled and tried it again it worked the second time

I opened the door to the small room and sighed, it smelt old, I don't know how to put it but everything smelt just—old

"Aesira are you ok?" Athena came up behind me, she stopped and looked inside "it's just for one night" she said again, I nodded my head and stepped inside

I threw the bag on the floor beside the bed and sat on it, "I hate motels" I mumbled

"We've never even been to a motel Aesira this is our first time" she laughed at me and sat down on the other side, "just try and get some sleep tonight we'll look for a better place in the morning," she said

"And hopefully a job" I nodded my head and laid back, hell fucking no was I going to sleep under the covers "that guy was weird," I said suddenly

She laid beside me "yeah he was but we need a better reason to say that than just our instincts" she turned her body to the side to face me, I followed her actions

"I guess—not everybody is bad," I said, she nodded "yeah..hopefully," we laid in silence for a while until we heard screaming next to us, what thin walls

"Ugh yes! Faster" my eyes opened and I looked at Athena, her eyes opened slowly and she looked at the wall. Ten minutes past and they were still at it, "I'm going to talk to them" I said getting up

"You're not going to talk to them," she said following me out

"I'm going to talk to them," I said my mind made up, I opened the door and took not five steps before I stopped in front of the next door, "Aesira stop, that's mean you can't just interrupt them" she whisper yelled

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