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"Bye," carter said smiling as the elevator doors closed, I stood in the huge penthouse that was quiet as night, "hello," I said walking around

Where is his office again?

I stopped at the black door and knocked "Damon" I called out but received no response in return. I twisted the knob seeing that it was not locked. Maybe I just walk in?

I creaked the door slightly open a crack and peeked through it, there was no one at his desk, I opened the door fully and looked around his office annoyed.

"Damon!" I yelled, why am I up here if he's not even fucking here. "You're wasting my time" I called out shaking my head and walking farther into the office.

I wandered over to the huge window behind his desk taking up the whole wall and looked over the city. I see tremendous buildings but none of them as tall as the one I was in, I saw over every single one.

I walk along the wall running my fingertips against the cold glass I bite the inside of my lip and drop my shoulders but then tense them again once I hear a noise coming from a door on the other wall

Someone's here

I turned my body fully to the plain door and stand there watching who would come out, the door handle shifts and my breath hitched

The door opened fully and I'm frozen in my spot staring a Damon who's in nothing but a pair of dark loose-fitting jeans that showed off his perfectly shaped V-line

"What the fuck" I laughed to cool my nerves trying to ignore the fact that Damon stood shirtless in front of me. I took shaking breathes in and out looking away from the devastatingly handsome man whose gaze was too intense

I don't hear any movement in his eyes which makes me look back at him, he stands there perfectly with no emotion his head tilting slightly upward and his tongue running across his lips

I can't help but think that it is my fault I was in this situation. I walked in without him telling me that I could.

He looks at me with an intent look that makes me second guess myself, there's still so much distance between us that makes me want to close it, but I don't

Instead, he started stalking slowly towards me. I tried my best not to hyperventilate under his stare. I trail my eyes down his body catching the bulge in his groin and I know now that I was not at fault.

When he's a few feet away I bring my eyes up to meet his quickly but he already knows where I looked. His mouth quirks slightly but he hides it.

I stand motionless and still as he approaches me. "Relax blue" he whispers so close that I can feel his minty breath on me and his delicious scent that lingered on his body

He looked down at my body I assume at my clothes, his face grew somewhat annoyed.

What? I was covered...fully.

He brought one hand up touching the zipper and drawing it down slowly. I grew annoyed at the fact that he did everything at such a slow speed. I was screaming at myself in my mind to push him away and leave. He was my boss and I needed this job more than I needed him

My jacket was open revealing the thin tank top I had under he brought both of his hands to my shoulders drawing the jacket off of my arms and letting it fall to the floor, my head dropped along staring at my feet

He brought a finger to my chin raising my head so our eyes could meet again, what the hell. Why is he doing this?  "don't overthink" he called out already knowing what I was doing.

His finger trailed down my jaw and neck and along my collarbone, he drew it to my shoulder touching the slinky strap and hooking his finger onto it bringing it down to hang loose along with the other strap

I didn't know why I wasn't stopping this, I didn't know why I wasn't speaking up. His touch felt like fire on my skin lingering even when his hand wasn't there. I cursed my body for enjoying the feeling so much.

He held on to both of the hanging straps about to bring them lower "tell me you want this" he whispered under his breath making it hard for me to hear

I couldn't speak my mouth opened and closed like an idiot

"Aesira" his voice.. the way he said my name... it rolled perfectly from his lips exactly how it was supposed to sound. I didn't think twice

"I want this" I breathed out pushing my doubts away, my shoulders tensed, my body aching for more of his touch

He didn't hesitate to drag the top fully down exposing me to him, he didn't look straight down tho. His eyes stayed on mine with a small smirk lacing his lips

I wasn't wearing a bra which made me more nervous, I took deep breathes making my chest heave up and down touching his chest slightly

He bent down to whisper in my ear "Please don't stop this" he said as if he needed this, I didn't want to be another one of his sluts...if he even had any

He fully pressed his body into mine, chest to chest, I could feel his member touch below my belly button. I closed my eyes and involuntarily moved my head to the side

His breath tickled my neck before he started leaving butterfly kisses softly along my flesh before sucking harshly on it exposing a deep moan. He bit the swollen skin making me gasp and then licked over it, I know marks would be left.

He brought his cold hand up from my bare waist to my exposed breast cupping it, "oh gosh" I whispered he ran the pad of his thumb across my hardened nipple.

A shiver ran down my spine making my body shake slight which didn't go unnoticed by him, his other hand went around my back rubbing it and soothing my nerves once again

I didn't know how he did that so easily it was another thing that confused me about him.

He brought his lips to the corner of mine placing a light but lingering kiss. His finger pinched my nipple making me jerk back but the hand on my back wouldn't let me move, I open my eyes and look at his lips seeing his annoying smirk looking back at me

The room filled my heavy breathes his lips coming closer to mine, and my eyes closing once again.

"Damon" I heard a deep voice call. My eyes went wide and I pulled away from him fully bringing his hands away. I stood before him his eyes on my chest and dark as ever.

I grabbed my jacket and quickly threw it on my body zipping it up. Shit..my tank top. The door opened as it was not even locked.

Carter looked at the both of us and confused "why the fuck are you shirtless" he said looking at Damon, Damon shrugged turning around to his desk.

"It's my penthouse" he stated the fact and crossed his hands over his body.. "ok..." Carter said annoyed "anyways I wanted to see if Aesira was still up here..." he looked down his eyes widening.

I follow his gaze by my feet to my tank top "...and now that I know she is I'm just gonna go" he backed up and then ran once he was behind the door.

"Fuck..." I mumbled bending down to pick up my shirt and struggling to walk "don't run" he says from behind me but I can't help it

I can't be doing this. It's wrong

"No" I shook my head leaving his office "what did I do" I could have ruined this for me and Athena. I ran into the elevator clicking my floor, he was in front of me wanting to stop me from leaving


"I can't..." I whispered, disappointment flashing across his face as the door closed...fuck

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