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"Aesira can you please get the door?" Athena yelled as the door thundered with knocks. I gasped at the cold sensations that the wooden tiles created against my feet. Quickly slipping in a pair of socks, I rushed towards the loud knocking.

"Calm down" I groaned and opened the door promptly. My face settled in a deep scowl once Carter's face came into view. "Must you knock so loud?" I asked him

He slowly but surely brought his hand from around his back letting me see what looked like a large garbage bag. He held it up by a hanger at the top. "Delivery man at your service" I look at the name brand on the bag and my eye went wide. What the hell?! A dress.

"For the ball! I heard you are coming with us and-"

"Who is at the-" I quickly closed the door before either of them could finish their sentences. I prayed that Carter would walk away and not let Athena see the dress.

Athena gasped in disbelief. "Sira! That is so rude of you!" She strutted over furious, she gave me one last glare before opening the door and smiling. "Carter!" She said happily.

"Athena!" He gleamed at her. I rolled my eyes at their giddy expressions.

"What do you have in your hand?" Athena asked curiously. My lips parted and I hoped that he wouldn't say anything about the ball. A smirk started to make its way onto his face. Fuck.

"My dry cleaning" I quickly grabbed the dress from Carter and folded it around my opposite arm. Athena's face crinkled and her brows furrowed. I was the one now putting on a believable smile.

"Since when do you go to the dry cleaners? And make... Carter get it?" she pursed her lips mistrustingly at the both of us.

"Since now" I shrugged my shoulders and avoided her serious eyes. I look at Carter who is holding back a laugh, he stared at his shoes avoiding her as well.

"You know what? We will be right back, I think they made a mistake" I spoke up as an idea came to mind. I held up the dress and showed Athena the brand, her mouth opened.

"Damn, you didn't check before you took it?" Athena looked at Carter, he looked clueless. "This is why you shouldn't let him pick it up" she shook her head.

"You are so right. We are going to go fix this issue right now!" I stepped out of the door and into the hallway with Carter. Closing the door before Athena could speak I grabbed his hand and started walking towards the elevator.

"Feild trip" he joked which made me drop his hand. I clicked the elevator button and it almost immediately slid open. I went inside and looked at Carter who stood opposite of me.


"Well, what?" this man.

"Can you click it so I can go upstairs?" I asked him. His eyes widen but slowly fell back to a natural state and he entered.

"Ok, but first" he clicked the sure screen above the buttons and started typing in a code. I sighed and shook my leg impatiently. "Thumb" he held his hand out.

I look at him confused and hesitant, but eventually gave in, he dragged me closer to him and placed my thumb on the screen. A green light went across the pad of my thumb multiple times. "This is so you don't have to use me anymore." He informed me.

"Wait so now I have access?" I asked. He nodded in reply "I've never had this much power" I spoke loudly and looked at my thumb that he had let go of.

"That's sad- try it out" he nudged his head straight. I placed my thumb down and quickly heard a ding.

"Great!" he spoke after the elevator started moving. I created a space between us again and fixed the dress so it laid comfortably across my arm.

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