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I stood in front of a large beautiful hotel, except it wasn't mine. I cursed myself for being so stupid, it was my fault I was in this situation in the first place. How could I have been so sleep-deprived to let that necklace out of my sight? Especially in front of the leader of the Italian mafia. Idiot.

I sighed and straightened up my suit ready to put on a mask full of bullshit. There waiting for me were Lorenzo and his men. I glanced at the person I was facing in the game they had set up. I didn't feel the least bit intimidated, I let a cocky smirk make its way onto my face.

"Damon Perez, welcome." Lorenzo's tattoo-filled hand grabbed onto mine. I could tell he was trying to intimidate me but I knew better than to let any sign of weakness show. Not in this business. "This is Fraser, the one you'll be up against." Fraser's face remained still, I kept a hard gaze on him till I saw the twitch of his lip and flutter of his eyes. He's nervous.

"Nice to meet you." He said rolling his neck up as I got closer. I grabbed onto his hand and gave it a firm shake.

"Likewise. Shall we?" I said not caring for any sort of Small talk. Lorenzo nodded his head and started walking.

"The tension" someone whispered behind me. I  immediately grew annoyed.

"Shhh," another whispered. We entered the casino together quietly the tension was building. I unbuttoned my suit and laid it upon my lap, slowly I rolled up my sleeves. Fraser glanced down at my arms and cleared his throat. I smirked again.

"Let's hurry this up. I've got things I need to attend to" I said staring up at the flirtatious women in front of us. Her outfit was extremely revealing and yet I didn't feel any sort of way being this close to her. Usually, my mind would be set on getting her into bed.

Aesira's got a hold on my mind.

They circled me and Fraser cautiously. I need that necklace. I knew why Lorenzo had the necklace. I'll always be tied to the Italian mafia if they kept that necklace. Having something valuable to another criminal is a basic textbook. You automatically make a peace with them, and if wanted you could receive more.

I watched Fraser's moves carefully. So predictable. I grew more confident after every turn he had. He was determined and admirably good, I'll give him that.

In the corner of my eyes, I saw two figures run behind one of the tables. What the hell? I glanced wearily at the situation but no one seemed to notice, rolling my eyes I turned my attention back to the game.

"Your persistence to win doesn't cease to amaze me, Fraser, I am surprised at how committed you are to this game" I chuckled slightly trying to intimidate him.

"It's what I do" he shrugged as if it was nothing but his body language gave it away. My smirk grew. I had him just where I wanted him.

"I see," I said looking closely to his next movements. He pushed in every chip and I shielded my surprise.

"I'm all in." He said. Did he have a good deck? I narrowed my eyes at him. Hmm. I tilted my head and without a second thought, I copied his movements.

"As am I," I said leaning back and chuckling. I bit my lip harshly at the nerves prickling my body. There was a pause. Fraser froze for a second and then dropped his cards quickly. I glanced down at the table and felt a weight being lifted off my chest. Yes!

I sighed and shook my head. "Shame-" I whispered looking down at my perfect deck. "For you" I finished and placed my cards down. Multiple groans were echoed, I sound a grew to miss. I never lost a game. They were stupid to think they could have beaten me.

"Killian," I said using his first name showing my dominance in the situation. He lifted his head holding himself high even though I could see the clear disappointment in his face. "Where's the necklace," I said simply.

He nudged his head and turned around. I glanced at Carter and one of my men who I brought along in case anything stupid were to happen. They had entered before I came and kept a hard watch at all times. They stood up fast and stood at my side. Two of Lorenzo's men are following as well.

I looked back as we started to walk and saw the two figures stand up quickly. Girls. One of the girls grabbed on to the other and dragged her away from the casino unfortunately they got stopped halfway. I shook my head and chuckled at their shocked faces.

Stay focused Damon. The necklace. We walked to a vacant room where Lorenzo's men moved a large object. A dark safe came into view. I was glad he kept it safe. Lorenzo quickly opened the safe and picked up the beautiful necklace I have been craving to touch.

"As promised," he said holding it out to me. I grabbed it without hesitation and wrapped the cold chain in my warm palm. I missed you. God, did I miss her. I exhaled deeply. "Seems like that necklace is very valuable to you" he observed.

"Speak a word about this necklace to anyone, our peace is over," I said sternly. He paused for a moment. Then, when finally understanding how serious I was he nodded. I sighed and turned my heel around.

"Let's go" I mumbled and walked away. I started to smile once they were out of sight. I grabbed the necklace tightly as if I were to lose it again.

I will never lose this again. The determination to find Aesira grew immensely. Moping away in the penthouse wouldn't do her any justice. I will find her.

Even if I die trying.

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