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Aesira TW!

"Jace, stop" I begged for the umpteenth time. His nails dug so deep into my sides that I could feel them practically piercing through my flesh. I sobbed uncontrollably louder which caused him to go rougher and rougher. It felt unbearable. I felt as if I was being broken into a million pieces.

"Shhh" he whispered into my ear and placed a wet peck onto my lobe. My body was pressed up against the cold cement floor,the back of my ripped open shirt was the only thing keeping me warm from it. My sobs became quiet and my voice disappeared. I stared at the dark ceiling with tears blurring my vision. I couldn't do anything but lay there. I was stuck. 

Soon Jace sighed and slid off of my disgusting body. He looked down at me with nothing to say and fixed up his clothes before leaving the empty room completely.

I didn't move. I didn't speak.

I turned my head over to the side and saw my pants torn in the corner, I shut my eyes slowly which released more tears-

Gasping, I sat up faster then I could process what was happening. "Fuck" I swore under my breath and kicked off my blankets, I felt warmer than usual. I put my hands on my moist head and took a large breathe.

"It was just a nightmare" I reminded myself and glanced over at the clock beside me. "One thirty?" I said surprised and slowly got out of bed. I looked down at my body and scrunched my face subconsciously. My shoulders tensed and I walked to the bathroom immediately turning on the shower before doing anything else.

Undressing myself I made sure not to look in the mirror and just go in. The shower was huge much like every place in this house. I squirted an unreal amount of soup onto my body and scrubbed like my life depended on it. Every inch and every crevice. I made sure no spot was left untouched. And then I went over it, again, and again, and again.

Still after cleaning my whole body, multiple times at that, I felt as dirty as I was before. Frustrated tears fell uncontrollably as I couldn't get the feeling to leave me. I was disgusting. I could see every scar on my body, too many to count. I wanted them gone. My body slid down onto the tiles of the shower where I sat for what felt like an hour. My hands remained in my hair refusing to touch my body.

Time slowly went by and after using all the energy in me I got up and turned off the shower. "Pathetic" I said as if laughing at myself. I quickly left the bathroom and changed into the first set of clothes I could find. I threw my wet hair into a ponytail and checked the time once again. "Three thirty?!" I was in shock at how fast the time went by and quickly left the room.

I looked around the large area I had walked into and that I was getting quite familiar with. A gigantic chandelier hung in the middle of the house. It was like I could almost touch it from where I stood at the top of the stairs.

Running my hand along the black smooth railing I walked down the stairs slowly admiring the house. Every bit of this house seemed perfectly constructed. Walking to the training room I passed many of the staff and sent them small smiles just to be greeted with a bow and a "good afternoon Ms. Frey" It made me feel like royalty.

I entered the training room and immediately came across shouts "Again!" Allen yelled as Athena punched and kicked the punching bag in front of her. I watched uninterested as he taught her self defence and moved to a small bench beside them. They both grinned and continued on. Everyday at three she'd train for an hour, for that hour she was a whole different person.

Allen grabbed the punching bag putting it to a stop and leaned towards her, "the key is to imagine it's someone you hate" he winked at her. Fiery took over her refreshed features and she attacked the punching bag with no mercy. I crossed my legs together on the hard wooden bench.

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