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She was more beautiful than I remember. She had become a total badass which I found extremely attractive. The way she threw that knife was perfect, her aim, her stance. Everything about her was perfect. Hearing her say my name after all this time was like a breath of fresh air. I felt sane again.

I teared my eyes away from hers for a solid moment to look down at the knife she threw. It was blue. Her knife was blue. I found myself smiling at it.

"I've always liked blue" I said stalking towards her slowly. I had been watching her for a week. Following their movements. I knew I needed to find a way to get Athena back in the rink. I had waited everyday at the square just for no one to show up. Eventually I made a deal with one of the fighters. A deal he wouldn't turn down. And luckily Athena didn't turn him down either.

I'd been setting up for this meeting for a week and still I felt unready. Here she was, standing right in front of me. The love of my life.

"You're not real?" She said almost talking to herself. A single year fell down her cheek and it took everything inside of me not to wipe it away and kiss her. I had to ease her back into the idea.

"I'm real" I said now not even three inches away from her. Her chest was moving up and down as fast as the speed of sound.

"Look what I got" Aaron walked up to us holding one of my men by his shirt and a gun to his head. I rolled my eyes and scoffed.

"Couldn't keep him distracted for five minutes?" I said annoyed. Aaron looked at me shocked and glanced towards Aesira who wouldn't move or speak.

"She's in shock." He commented throwing the man to the floor. "Aesira hey" Aaron started to walk over to console her which made my blood boil.

"Back away" I said grabbing my gun and putting it to his head.

"Don't" Aesira yelled placing her hand on mine. Tingles. Everywhere. The feeling I missed so much was here but my anger for Aaron was taking over. "He saved me, you can't kill him" she said pushing down the gun. I knew if I looked her in the eyes I would fold so I kept my eyes trained on Aaron. Though he had a gun he placed his hands up in surrender.

"He's the reason you were taken in the first place" I spat out. How could she defend him? He was the reason this all happened it was his fault!

"It was Jace's fault. Jace would have found a way with it without Aaron's help, and because of him Im standing her instead of being married to that monster" she explained sobbing. I squeezed my eyes shut and grabbed her body. Her scent was different but I enjoyed it just as much. She was shaking like a leaf which made me grab her tighter

"I'm not done with you" I said at Aaron. I didn't look up to catch his reaction as I was to entranced in Aesira's presence to care. Her soft hair was in a ponytail hanging down her back and her body fit perfectly into mine. I was trying to keep it together myself as she was breaking down in my arms.

"How..what...when" she couldn't form a sentence and her grip became tighter. I couldn't get enough of her. I finally had her in my arms.

"We have a lot to talk about" I mumbled pulling away from her. Her face was soaked in tears and her makeup was running. She still looked beautiful. I ran my thumb along her wet cheek and pecked it. "I've missed you" I whispered.

"I thought you two were in the bathroom- holy shit" Athena stopped in her tracks as her and Allen turned the corner. She glanced down at the man on the floor, then to Aaron, and then Aesira, then me.

"You're dead" she said pointing at me.

"Not dead" I said shrugging.

"You said you saw him dead" Athena said again to Aesira. Aesira's mouth opened and closed.

"That what Jace showed me" she mumbled confused. "The picture..he" she shook her head frustrated. Jace, he was the reason for everything. It's his fault.

"What happened to Jace?" I asked. Aaron shrugged and smirked.

"Killed him" he said casually. Him? Aaron? Killed Jace?



"Listen, I didn't want to kill you, I didn't know what Jace's plans were until it was too late and when I tried to back down he attempted to kill me too" Aaron looked at me seriously. I didn't know whether to believe him or not.

"Jace said that your family stole everything from them, their money, their Businesses. They were broke and gambled their money away" fuck. I closed my eyes and took a deep breathe. I knew exactly who they were speaking of.

"Fucking Rolophs" I swore.

"You know them?"

"Family friends. My dad and what now I didn't know to be Jace's father were business partners, best friends in fact. My father tossed him to the side when they became big. He wanted the success all to himself." I explained. "I don't understand how you were involved in this" I spoke out loud.

"He made a deal with my dad" Aesira said glancing at Athena. Dad? Athena sighed and ran her hands through her hair.

"Our dad was sort of abusive, long story short we attempted to kill him and then fled the scene which lead to him meeting Jaces father and making a deal and us getting a job at your hotel." Athena said wrapping the whole thing up. I knotted my brows together and crossed my arms.

"What deal?" I gritted.

"One of us had to marry Jace and it was a plus that you and Aesira became close because it was like a form of revenge" she said staring at her shoes. I glanced at Aesira who now refused to make eye contact.

"And where do they come in?" I said staring at the hail twins. Allen fixed his suit slightly and ran his hand along his chin.

"We saved them on the day Aesira was going to marry him" Allen said shrugging. My heart dropped at the thought of Aesira marrying another man. Especially Jace. How was Allen and Aaron able to find them faster then I ever could. I had spent months looking for them and no leads.

"You killed them?" I asked Allen.

"We did" Aesira answered I stared at her in shock. She killed someone? "I shot my father" she explained. Aesira seemed different, stronger, more badass. Her knife throwing skills were immaculate, her specialty with aim is one that any criminal would kill for. I could see no remorse or regret in her face, she seemed content with the idea of her father being dead. He must have fucked them over extremely. I was curious but knew better than to push.

I grabbed her soft hand and felt sparks run throughout my body. Fuck I've missed this. I glanced down at her now inked arms and smiled. "Trying to copy me?" I said running my thumb along the tattoos.

She leaned in towards me when suddenly we heard a bang from down the alley.  Everyone immediately whipped out their guns and pointed it to the sound. "We should leave" Athena said taking a step forward and glancing around. Wasn't she the nice innocent one? I moved to stand in front of Aesira but she had made sure that she was beside me instead of behind. 

"Damon what is taking you so lo- damn" Carter strutted down the alley casually but paused when he caught sight of everyone holding a gun to him. He raised his hands slowly along with his eyebrows.

"Carter you fucking idiot" I swore placing my gun away.

"What did I do" he shrugged confused. I saw his eyes move from me slowly onto Allen who had his shirt lifted up while he slid his gun into his waist band. I rolled my eyes and moved closer to Aesira. It was no secret that Carter found everyone attractive. He didn't bother to hide it either. He never had a coming out speech or hung up rainbow flags. He doesn't even go by a label he just states simply that 'he likes what he likes' it doesn't get talked about unless brought up.

"Carter!" Athena yelled jumping into his arms.

"How'd you find me" Aesira asked looking up into my eyes. I stared down into her blue ones and smiled.

"You practically came to me" I said running my hand along her jaw, she refused to break eye contact the whole time. "I thought I had lost you."

"I thought I had lost you" she said going in for another hug. I wrapped my arms around her practically squishing her body. I couldn't get enough of her. I finally had her to myself. Finally.

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