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"Look!" Athena busted into the room holding a box, I raised an eyebrow in confusion. She opened the box and held up the clothes that were inside. It was a replica of the uniforms we had, only longer and bigger. Did he change Athenas as well?

"Apparently all the girls got a new uniform," she said while holding it up for me to see, my face filled with shock, "really?" I asked. She nodded her head and started folding the clothes to put back into the box.

"Now you probably have to wear yours," she told me looking amused by the whole situation, I shook my head annoyed and laid back on the bed.

As Athena kept talking, I randomly jumped up. She jumped at my sudden movement and looked at me as if I was crazy. "Are you good?" She asked me.

I nodded my head and placed my feet on the cold floor before sliding on a pair of slippers that were beside my bed. "I'll be right back" I smiled sporting out the room, hearing her faint yells behind me.

"Wait! Sira, where are you going?" She yelled after me. I closed the door before she could follow after me and made my way down the hall. I stopped halfway and furrowed my brows.

How was I going to get up to the penthouse?

I look around the hall trying to find Pablo, but no luck came my way. The one day he isn't here I need him. I groaned throwing my head back.

I hear a door close behind me, my instinctual thought is to turn around. Doing so I see a man walking out of one of the rooms, a couple of doors down. His shirt was around his neck not yet pulled down as he was buckling up the belt around his waist. I could see the full view of his abs that were on display.

After he finished with his belt he looked up and caught eyes with me. Carter? Why am I not surprised. He smiled when he saw me and started drawing his shirt down his torso. "Hey Aesira" he gave me a nod. I was about to brush him off when I realized I could use him to get upstairs.

I threw on a fake wide smile and started to wave back at him. "Carter, hey!" He stopped walking suddenly and looked at me like I had two heads. What? "Did I say the wrong twin again?" He narrowed his eyes.

"Again?" I asked, he finished walking to me and was now closer. "Never mind...why are you so happy?" He said suspiciously.

"Can't I just be happy?" I gave him a toothy grin with made his face scrunch up even more. "Uhm—"

"—No" I rolled my eyes at his answer. "So how are you?" I drew out while rocking back and forth, "good?" He said more like a question.

"Listen do you-do you need help" he whispered bending down to my eye level. I laughed loudly and dramatically. Punching his shoulder, a snort left my lips. He yelped placing his hand on his arm and stepping away from me. His face became more scared than before.

I cleared my throat and looked down. Did I overdo it? "Soo" I pressed my lips together. He remained still. "You going to the penthouse?" I asked casually. Smooth. His body loosened and he rolled his eyes.

"Really," he asked me. I shrugged my shoulders not understanding what he meant. "You literally could've just asked" he shook his head and started walking past me. I turned my body and watched as he walked away.

He stopped when he realized I wasn't following him. "Hello? Are you coming?" He asked me. I nodded my head and rushed to his side.

He looked at me from the corner of his eyes as we walked side by side. A smirk appeared on his face while he let out a deep chuckle. I ignored him and continued to walk. He looked at me again. "What?" I asked.

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