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I sighed walking into our room, I gathered all my hair together to put it in a ponytail and slid off my flats, I stopped looking at the couch a bag with a hanger attached, I walked closer seeing my name labelled on it

I walked over to it and quickly opened the bag seeing a uniform similar to the one I'm wearing but longer and bigger, I raised my brows. What is this?

I opened it fully taking out the whole thing and staring it down, the skirt looked like it would be down to my knees if not longer and the shirt looked huge-not at all tight

I should want to wear this right?

I know people would think I'm special or different if I wore this, I don't want to draw attention more than I already have

I threw it on the couch rolling my and walked to my room, I quickly slid out of these tight clothes and into something more comfortable

"I'm back!" Athena yelled walking into the place, I walked out of my room and smiled "hey" I said

She looked at the couch confused then at me "what's this?" She asked picking it up

"Another version of the uniform"

"What's it doing here?" I shrugged my shoulders not wanting to go into more details but unfortunately making her ask more questions "is the one you have no fitting" she looked it up and down

"Fits fine" I mumbled leaning my body on the door frame of my room and crossing my arms over my body

"Does it have anything to do with what happened today?" She looked at me suspiciously, I bit the inside of my cheek "what happened" I said pretending

"Aesira I know you better than anyone, I saw how annoyed that man got when those pervs were looking at you" she threw the outfit down and turned her body fully towards me, I blinked multiple times unsure about what to say

"I'm as confused as you" I whispered

"Is there—something going on between you and our boss?" she said hesitantly, my lips parted "I've talked to the dude what three times! What could be going on Athena" I shook my head pushing myself off the side of my door

I moved to the counter and grabbed a cup filling it up with cold water, Athena looking at me in thought, I took a sip feeling the cold water going down

"Weird," she said, you're telling me, I mentally laughed and shook my head, "welp" I shrugged walking back into the room

"I'm gonna sleep" I mumbled tired, she nodded her head. I closed the door and sat on the corner of my bed

I sat in the silence for what felt like ever just thinking, I wasn't even comfortable I just got lost in my thoughts

A small ding brought me out of my thoughts

My breath hitched and my lips parted, I stood up walking to the side desk putting the water down that was still in my hand

I grabbed my phone that was placed on the desk and picked it up confused, I had just got the phone and had one number in it, Athena's

I slid open the phone and check the message

Sorry I ruined your first game blue

I furrowed my brows confused. Blue? The first thought that popped into my mind was Damon when he left the game with that man

I typed back

Who's this and how do you have my number?

I placed the phone on the bed and stood up looking at the screen, my thumb was in my mouth nervously and my leg bounced up and down, I hated that I felt nervous

I'm hurt you can't already tell, as for your number... That's for me to know.

I leaned my body forward to read the message, my eyebrows knitted even more, what?! I grabbed the phone shaking my head

Then you aren't forgiven.

I hated the message immediately after I sent it before I could think any more of it I got a response

I'll make it up to you Aesira... it's late get some sleep blue

I stood silently staring at the message for what felt like ever, why are they calling me blue...


I waited for a response which came faster than I expected, I've never met someone who responds so fast

Sleep, xx

I through the phone on the bed plopping my body down along, a groan escaped my mouth, "I don't care" I said to myself coming out like I was trying to convince myself

"I don't" I laughed shaking my head at the roof,  I placed a hand on my head "I'm going crazy"

I closed my eyes taking long breathes


I gasped my eyes shooting open and landing on the roof, I looked around the quiet room in confusion, I squeezed my eyes shut and then opened them again, I stood up licking my dry lips and sliding on some quick slippers, I walked out of my quiet room into a more quiet place

I walked to Athena's room looking at her sleeping body, I laid my head on the frame and bit my lip, she laid peacefully in her slumber

I left quietly putting on a thin but covering sweater, I walked out of the room and looked down at the silent halls

I walked down the hall being as quiet as I could, I tried to quiet my mind but it wouldn't even get close to it

My body jumped slightly when a door beside me opened, I look to my side my eyes wide As someone came out


My body relaxed and I let out a sigh of relief, I don't know why I got scared "Aesira?" He said in his groggy voice, he stood in front of me in some boxers

"Jace," I said back "why are you up?"

"I could ask you the same thing" he laughed at me, I raised a brow "I was about to get some ice" he carried on...in the middle of the night?

"I couldn't sleep" I replied saying my reason

"Yeah same, I was gonna make a nice drink to have—wanna join me?" He asked me. I shook my head no, "I don't drink" I kept it simple

"I can make them non-alcoholic?" He begged again, I scrunched my face and tilted my head to the side "I really shouldn't" I shook my head again, he pouted his lips, I silently cringed

"I just wanna hang with you" he shrugged his shoulders

"We can another time..preferably during the day..and in public" I smiled back, he sighed dramatically "ok" he drew out in disappointment

"I should go to sleep" I whispered, he nodded his head and started to walk to me, he engulfed me in a deep bone-crushing hug my eyes went wide, I heard what sounded like a mechanical movement which made me start to look around

He let go of my body smiling widely "good night" he said, I pressed my lips together giving him a small nod and walking back down the hall to my room,

I heard the sound again, I stopped moving and moved my head up to the sound, I looked at the camera that was pointed directly at me, I pretended to not look at it furrowing my brows and taking five more steps

The sound came again, I looked up without moving my head seeing it still on me, I rolled my eyes, someone's fucking watching me

I walked fast to my room and opened the door shutting it behind me, thank god there was no camera in our place

I went to my room and plopped back on my bed, what a useless fucking walk...

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