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"Ok" I mumbled patting down the long dark blue dress that hugged my body. The slit drew up my leg exposing my pale thigh to the world. I loved the fact that my tattoos were on display both on my leg and arms, it added a little spice to the dress. It was sintched at the wait giving the effect that I had an hourglass. It was beautiful.

"You look so good," Seraphina said clapping her hands. I glance to my side and see her walking out in a beige dress that cut off mid-thigh. Now that is a dress. I loved the way it made her dark skin tone pop and how her body looked almost too good to be real.

"Your dress is so gorgeous, you look great in it," I said looking her up and down. She looked like a model. Aaliyah and Athena came through the door not a couple of seconds after and gasped.

"Sira you look amazing," Athena said fixing her strap on the lavender dress she wore. It was right at the waist and flowed beautifully at the bottom. I loved all of their dresses. Aaliyah wore a short, silk red dress that brought out her signature red lip. Red was definitely her colour.

"Thanks, you guys look stunning," I responded, I started to like getting dressed up for events. It was rare but fun. I looked like a whole new person compared to a couple of months ago, which I enjoyed, I was a different person. I felt as if I had a body that Jace or my father haven't touched and will never touch. I felt powerful even looking at myself.

"Have you guys found a mask? I can't decide on one" Seraphina sighed and walked towards the table in the middle of my closet. This closet was huge, it was practically an extended room. I wasn't complaining.

"Damon picked mine out," I said pushing my hair down my back and walking over to her. She sighed and scrunched her face.

"I wish I had a boyfriend to do that for me" she mumbled grabbing the first mask on the table and walking to the mirror.

"You will eventually" I laughed walking to grab my thigh holster. It felt like a normal thing to put it on. It became such a habit. I liked that I was protected and could defend myself. Plus we were going to a place full of criminals, they all had weapons.

"Eventually feels like a lifetime. I would kill to have what you and Damon have. That's a dream" she whined tieing it around her head. I smiled and slipped the knife inside the holster. It felt like a dream, being with Damon. It was almost too good to be true. Damon was everything I could have asked for and more, and he was mine. All mine.

"I promise you, it'll come" I replied now slipping on my shoes. "Let's get going we're already late" they all glanced at the time and gasped. I laughed as they rushed to place the finishing touches on their makeup and hair. I stalled out of the closet and bedroom leaving them behind. The penthouse was quiet and empty which let me know that everyone else was downstairs probably in the lobby already.

As I approached the elevator it suddenly opened revealing a jaw-dropping view. Damon stood in his all-black tie-less suit. He looked gorgeous. This gets finer and diner every day. I could see his tattoos poking out from his shirt that had a few buttons I clipped. I felt like a fan girl practically drooling over him.

"Blue." he greeted giving me his oh-so-famous signature smirk. Fuck. His eyes glided over my body slowly, he was making sure to take his sweet time while studying every inch of my body. "I'm a lucky man," he said stalking towards me slowly. Hmm.

"Damon," I said meeting him halfway. "I'm a lucky woman" I mimicked his words while patting down his suit jacket. The moment I looked up into his eyes I was entranced. All this time and still something so simple as eye contact could make me fold. Man was I head over heels.

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