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"Is that your sister over there?" A woman sat down on one of the stools in front of me as I cleaned up the mess on the table. I look up from the cards in my hand and stare at her face which she nudged towards Athena who sat across the room at a booth with April. "She looks exactly like you," she said again while resting her chin in the palm of her hand.

"Oh, yeah she's my sister" I nodded my head and placed the cards down. The remaining stools started to fill with people. "Why do you ask?" I said confused.

"I just walked by her and thought she was really pretty and then I walked by you and for a second there I thought she teleported or something" the women laughed and glanced at Athena. I raised my brows I chuckled.

"Well she's my twin sister" I shrugged my shoulders and started dealing out the cards. They all started talking to each other while the women continued to speak to me.

"Makes sense, everything about you two looks the same, except for your body" she looked me up and down. "She looks a bit skinnier. But you guys are really pretty," she smiled up at me. I pressed my lips together in a fine line and gave her a forced smile.

"Thank you, you are as well" she looked hesitant for a moment before she spoke again.

"Does she have a boyfriend or... girlfriend?" my eyes went wide. Bold. Her smile was now ear to ear and she fluttered her eyelashes at me as hope-filled her eyes.

"No," I said awkwardly.

"Awe, shit!" One of the men at the table swore as his chips got dragged by another man. He rolled his eyes as the man laughed at his swearing. I turned my head from the women and looked at the two-man.

"Really? So do you know if she-"

"You know I think you should go ask her these questions yourself" she looked embarrassed by my words and her mouth open and closed like a fish.

"Right" she mumbled nodding her head, "well maybe you could just put a good word in for me, my name's Yala" she really doesn't give up, does she?

"Well, my shifts are almost over" I shrugged my shoulders and glanced at the door thankfully seeing Taylee who was meant to take over. She smiled and waved at me and I sighed in relief.

"Oh, so is that a yes?-"

"Hey Aesira, I can take over now" she placed her freshly manicured hand on my arm and flashes the people I'm in front of us a toothy smile.

"Hey, beautiful" one of the men spoke. She winked and gave me a nod indicating that I could go whenever.

"Thanks" I mumbled and handed her the deck of cards in my hand and brushing my skirt down. "I'll see you later" I waved goodbye and stalked off.

"Hey" I heard Yala yell behind me, I quickly sped up my walk and pretended not to hear her voice, making it into the lobby I sighed before hearing the bells of the door ring. My head subconsciously turned to see who was walking through.

"Fuck" multiple people walked through the door, all faces that seemed familiar. Where have I seen them from? The last people to walk through were the Hail twins and everything started to make sense, they both caught my gaze and I quickly turned my head towards the elevator, the place I was planning to escape from. It dinged and slid open, I didn't find myself getting any calmer as I saw Jace standing there awkwardly and Damon beside him looking rather annoyed.

"You've got to be kidding me" I whispered. I look back to the entrance of the casino and see the women still walking to me and then to the main entrance where Aaron's smile got wide. I turned away and started walking to the elevator. Damon caught my eyes and smiled at me, my heart immediately calmed down.

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