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Pain. Pain is all I felt. My stomach stung with anguishing pain that became unbearable. My head pounded roughly at the speed of my fast-beating heart. I struggled to open my eyes. I could see the light shining through my eyelids.

Slowly I lifted my heavy eyelids and was greeted by a white light above me. My mouth was dry and I could get out the curses I had spoken. My hand that felt twice as big went to my sore throat. I turned my head right and saw a blurry figure sitting in front of me. Who the hell?

I squinted my eyes and became frustrated when my vision didn't get any better. That blinding light did not do justice. I moved my arm to my right beside the table that kept the distance between me and the figure and moved it slowly across hoping to brush off anything on it to make a noise. Luckily something fell on the floor and rang through my ears. My head beat in agony. I felt like dying.

The figure shot up faster than I could blink. "What the fuck!" he yelled. I squeezed my eyes shut at the loud noise. "Shit" he whispered again. "Dam, Damon" he came closer and my mind finally recognized Carter's voice.

I opened my eyes and adjusted them to the white light. I could see Carter's scared face in front of me. My mouth opened but nothing came out. My mouth felt like a desert. "Shit, am I allowed to get you water? I don't know" he   Shook frantically. Get a nurse idiot. I wanted to yell. Instead, I lifted my hand again and pointed to the door. "Doctor" he snapped and ran out.

My mind focused on only one thing the whole time. Aesira. Aesira. Aesira. Since I laid my eyes on her beautiful eyes I instantly felt an attraction. I felt something that I've never felt before. I knew I wanted her and not just in my bed. My infatuation with her grew as I got to know her. I was falling in love. I've always been one to go for what I wanted, I didn't care about consequences, I was ruthless. My mind never crossed how dangerous it was for her to be in my life, I wanted her more than anything that I became selfish. And now we are here. And I couldn't help but feel guilty. Aesira.

"Like a minute ago," Carter said walking into the room with a Doctor and nurse. I tried sitting up but his hand came down on my chest. "Brother you need to rest."

I shook my head. "Your brother is right, you experiences some serious injuries and were out for quite some time, we need to do a lot of tests" my hand laid on top of Carter's he then laced his hand into mine.

"A- Aesira" I rasped out my best. It barely came out like anything. It sounded like a cracking breath I let out. Carter's eyes fell our hands and he avoided my eyes. No. He grabbed my hand tighter. "Aesira?" I said again a bit louder. No. My throat burned. He shrugged his shoulder slightly and shook his head. No.

"No one knows... She- she vanished" those words pained me more than how my body felt. My eyes became blurry again but this time they struggled to keep in the tears I wanted to let go of. "We are looking for her don't worry" he reassured me "focus on yourself and get better." no. I couldn't focus on anything but her. I craved just the mere sight of her. I needed to know if she was ok. I needed to hear her angelic voice ring through my ears. I needed her.

I shook my head and tried to get up again. "Dam stop. Your heartbeat is going up," he said squeezing his hand. I had let the tears fall out of my eyes. It's my fault. I thought I could protect her. I gave up and fell numbly against the pillow. I closed my eyes and sighed. I tried imaging her eyes. Those blue eyes. They were so beautiful and held so much pain that I wanted to take them away. They entranced me. Those blue eyes are what's keeping me going.

"Now Damon, you were out for quite some time-"

"How-" I couldn't get out anymore without my voice cracking.

"A month and two weeks" my heart fell. So many possibilities for something to happen in that time. How do I know if she's alive? "You lost a lot of blood, you're gonna have to stay here until we know it's safe for you to take care of-"

My mind cut out his voice and I closed my eyes. I tried keeping my breathing under control as all I wanted to do was pull out my gun and leave this place. I tried to remember that night to the best of my ability. All I could remember was leaving Aesira alone and then seeing darkness. Why the fuck did I leave her alone.

I need to find her.

Hours passed and I wanted nothing more than to put a bullet between the doctor's eyes. Cara came a few minutes after I awoke and kept me company and Carter went to the Hotel to grab me some of my things. I envied him for being able to leave this hell hole of a place. They all pitied me and I hated it. I hated needing help from everyone just to do simple things like drink or sit up. My voice slowly started coming back as moisture flowed through my throat.

I sat with my eyes closed and my eyes to the ceiling. The uncomfortable hospital dress I wore itched and the bed I now sat in pained my back. I ignored the stabbing pain shooting through my abdomen and listened to Cara's Random stories about Ireland. It was a good distraction.

"Hey Dam, I brought you back some things" Carter came walking through the doors. The room I was in was huge. I didn't need such a big place. "The doctor also told me there are still a few more tests he needs to do" I groaned and tried adjusting myself in a more comfortable position.

"Here let me-" Cara started to get up.

"I got it" I rasped out not wanting anyone's help at the moment. She sat back down muttering a sorry. I started to feel bad but hoped she knew I meant well.

"Hey Cara can you grab Damon and I some food, it's on me" Carter pulled out a twenty and handed it to Cara. She shrugged and nodded.

"Call me if you need me" she demanded before leaving.

"Damon, Emma found something in your bed while cleaning a few weeks ago," Carter said putting the bag of my things down on one of the chairs in the room. I wasn't interested one bit in what she found. I had multiple things in my room I didn't have care for.

"It's a necklace-" my eyes shot opened and I looked at Carter, his hand stuck out in front of me holding a necklace I recognized all too well. I felt my heart warm slightly. It was a little thing that meant the world.

"Emma said by the way it was placed she meant to leave it behind" he dropped the necklace into my hand. I gripped it close to me as it was all I had of hers at the moment.

"Wait...Athena" I said. Carter shook his head again.

"She's gone too, strangely enough... I don't get it no one knew she had a twin. Barely anyone even knew about her anyways in the underground world." my mind started to spiral. What happened that night?

I'll find you blue.

I love you.

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