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Don't be a silent reader 💕


"Can you go get some groceries?" I begged Athena for the hundredth time today. She looked at me suspiciously and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Why do you want me to leave so badly?"

"We just need food, we are running out," I told her, I wasn't fully lying. She rolled her eyes and went into her room. I huffed and sat on the couch. What am I gonna do now?

She left her room with the keys swirling around her fingers "why can't you just go?" she asked me while sliding on her shoes.

"I can't" I shrugged and got up to open the door for her. She raised a brow at me and stopped moving.

"Why," she asked me again. I sighed and took my bottom lip into my mouth. Can she just take 'i cant' as an answer?

"I'm hanging out with someone" I technically was not lying.


"Jace" shock ran through my face as I was in the same amount as shock she was in. I knew if I would have said April she would go and ask. She didn't speak to Jace as much maybe a few words here and there, but it was a safe answer, she saw us talking a few times.

Her lips parted in surprise "I thought you said he was weird" how does she remember everything I say.

"Well weird isn't always bad" I laughed nervously and shook my leg. "Anyway I have to get ready, and you have to go get groceries" I started pushing her out the door.

"So is this like a date" she wiggled her eyebrows teasingly. God no.

"No! A casual hang out" she hummed in response not believing a word I was saying. To be fair I was lying. Just about who I was hanging out with. She laughed loudly and stopped in her tracks.

I looked at her in confusion as she looked down the hall. "Heres the man of the hour, right as we speak" she whispered and nudged her head to Jace. He was walking out of his door and turning to lock it.

"Jace" Athena spoke and started making ways towards him. Oh no. "How are you!" she said cheerfully. He said at her and met her halfway.

"I'm great!" why are they always happy? "And how are you Athena?" he placed a hand on her shoulder kindly. I couldn't see Athena's face as she spoke.

"Likewise. I shouldn't keep you here, have an amazing night!" Athena turned her head to face mine and winked at me. I sighed and looked at Jace who was already staring at me.

Jace's smile widened and he lifted his hand off of Athena and waved. I gave him a tiny wave back uninterested. "Well, I best get going, Have fun!" Athena yelled at me and started stalking off.

Behind Jace's back, she started parading around him rather sexually. I sighed and looked away from both of them. I heard her laugh once again which started to fade as she got farther.

I look back at Jace who started walking towards me. I gave him a simple nod and went back into our place shutting the door behind me. "I don't have time for this"

I quickly went into the bathroom and started the shower. I stripped from my clothes and entered not caring if it was still cold.

The warm water hit my back and my shoulders relaxed. Not giving any time to rest I started washing my body and hair.

While rinsing off I heard a knock on the door. I cursed under my breath and grabbed the towel that rested on the bar. "I'm coming!" I yelled and walked towards the door. I looked through the peephole and saw multiple women waiting impatiently.

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