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I brushed down the uniform's skirt before flipping my head over and drawing all of my hair to the top of my head and slipping it into a tight ponytail. I looked at my bare neck and tilted it slightly. No marks. It all had faded.

I didn't know exactly what I was feeling at this moment. Disappointment flashed through me as well as happiness. I was getting frustrated with myself.

I see Athena behind me, catching my gaze through the mirror. Her eyes were red and slightly puffy. I turned around faster than the speed of sound. Walking towards her, I took both of her cheeks and held them.

"Are you ok" I furrowed my brows in concern. She gave me a small smile and placed her hand onto my right one, that laid on her warm cheek.

"I'm ok—" I knew there was more to say. I didn't say anything to her but instead raised my eyebrows. I know when she lies. She sighed and looked down avoiding my eyes.

"I had another nightmare" she whispered. Athena was quite used to nightmares. But some days were worse than others. I didn't blame her. If anything I understood her more than anyone else could.

I gave her a sad smile and kissed her forehead. "We're ok," I promised her. She nodded her head and let out a sniffle. I wrapped my arms fully around her body and engulfed her in a long meaningful hug.

Seeing her like this always pained me. I don't know if it's a twin thing, but whenever she was sad I was. She's my other half. My soulmate. I am as much her, as she is me.

She gave me a tight squeeze back and sighed into me. "How long did you sleep for?" Asked her.

"An hour or so." She mumbled into me. I closed my eyes, feeling bad for her. "Stay here. Take a day off" I told her.

She pulled away shaking her head frantically. "No I can't, I have to work. We need this job, I can't not show because of such a stupid reason"

I cut off her rambling "Athena! It's ok. Trust me" I placed my hands on her shoulder while looking into her swollen eyes. She pressed her lips together tightly holding back the quivers that tried to escape. "Trust me," I told her again.

She nodded her head slightly and let out a single tear. "I love you." She told me. I smiled at her.

"I love you more"

"Not possible"

"Yes possible"

I pressed my forehead against hers and closed my eyes before pulling away. "Go sleep" I instructed her, going towards her room while she held onto my arms. I placed her back into her bed and covered her with the duvet.

Her eyes immediately fell which made me feel better. She was getting some sleep. I walked out before switching the light off and closing the door halfway.

I pulled out my phone and looked for April's number. I clicked it and held it up to my ear waiting for her to pick it up.

"Hello?" She called out. "April, can you please cover Athena's shift today?" She's not feeling too well." I explained, I bit my lip nervously.

"Oh my, is she ok? Of course, I will!" She exclaimed into the phone. I sighed in relief. "She is going to be ok. And thank you, we really appreciate it" I thanked her.

"No problem, anything for you guys. When does her shift start?" I brought the phone from my ear and checked the time. "an hour after mine, so 7" informed her.

"Alright, see you down there!" We said our goodbyes and hung up. Putting my phone back in the waistband of my skirt, I slipped on my shoes and made my way out the door. I walked down the empty hall and towards the elevator.

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