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Hello! My Instagram got hacked so if you follow me pleaseee unfollow! And if you receive any messages from my account DO NOT answer. I have many people messaging me believing that it was me and then getting hacked as well by the same person. If you wish to contact me I have a new account @ hannanttt or my messages on here are always open. Anyways don't be a silent reader❤️


"Now hold these flowers" white roses were shoved into my arms roughly by an older women who stood by my side all day. I was getting used to her rudeness as she so bluntly demanded things of me. She was fluffing up my hair that took hours to detangle and powdering my caked face.

Athena stood on the outside of everything refusing to talk to anyone or have anything done. Unfortunately resulting in a punishment. She was emotionless. Her arms were crossed refusing to hold the flowers. The red dress she wore was beautiful but I hated the reason on why she was wearing it.

"People will be coming in any moment now."

"People are actually coming to this forced wedding" Athena spoke. The women sighed while doing my hair then pulled a little to rough.

"Ow" I mumbled. She smiled and gritted a fake apology. I knew she purposely did it but I had no energy to scold her for it.

"A short amount of people will be here but it is still a real wedding" she smiled widely but it didn't match her eyes. "Now stand up, we will make our way to the church momentarily."

"It's at a church?..." she looked at me confused.

"Of course it is."

"Well this is the most ungodly thing ever" Athena laughed which caused the women to stare her down evilly but Athena didn't care one bit.

Slowly I felt myself drift away. I was drained. I hated myself more than words could even comprehend. I had no purpose in life. I despised myself.

The door swung open and my head whipped into the direction. Jace's father entered the room slowly. I could feel my heart rate increase. His stare was intense and no matter how many times I saw him I never got used to it.

His eyes shifted to everyone in the room. I stood cautiously waiting for something to come out of his mouth. He cleared his throat and raised his head high.

"It starts soon" he spoke. No one dared to say anything in response. "Do this ones hair" his head tilted towards Athena. She raised her brows daringly. I found myself silently praying that she wouldn't speak.

His head croaked to the side almost asking for her to say something in return. I could see my chest raise up and down, my breathing was filling the quiet room. Athena glanced at me and clenched her jaw.

"An hour" he said again before stalking off. Once the metal door latched shut I could hear Athenas curses fill the room. I sighed and threw my head back.

"Don't ruin the hair" the lady gritted and yanked my head up roughly. I mumbled a quick 'ow' and placed my free hand on my head.

"Watch it" I said as anger started to build in me. Her eyes widened as did my own. Aesira compose yourself. I shook my head and looked down at the saddening flowers. "Sorry" I whispered.

"You need to respect your elders... now you" she groaned and turned to face Athena's glare. I gave her a silent plea once the women couldn't see me. Athena shook her head and finally gave in.

"I hate everything right now" she spoke and allowed the women to place her slender and bony hands on her. Athena was fuming with anger, she didn't bother covering up her emotions like me. She didn't care. She gave up.

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