quick thing

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hey guys, i just wanna mention something really quick in case you miss it on my message board.

i know the desc of light and dark specifically states that Light is a 17-year-old, but this isn't really true and i'm not sure why i wrote that in the summary. if he was 17, it was only in the very beginning when his father asks him to help out, and then his birthday occurs at some point during one of the early time skips because he graduates and starts university at 18. and besides, i always kinda wrote him with him being 18/19 in my mind anyway.

in the currently-being-edited version, he explicitly starts off as 18 instead since he's literally about to graduate and i don't want anybody to get confused and think he's still 17 and dating a 24 year old, however i still address him as "teenager" in some sentences bc imo if you're 18/19 you're still a teenager, but that doesn't mean you're not legally an adult as well. in any case, by the time Light even dates L in the original version of the fic, he is 18. just thought i should address this because i noticed the desc saying he was 17 but i never really wrote him to be.

so for those of you who were confused, who wanted to pretend Light was older and who thought Light's relationship with L was pedophilic, here you go. i'm sorry for any confusion and for not understanding why you would think that Light was underage. i just totally forgot what the desc said.

anyway, i'm making good progress on the edited version – currently at the part where Light gets put in confinement. i'm so excited to share it with you all when it's finished!

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