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"Ryuzaki, can we go to bed now?" Light asked, yawning a bit. "It's almost three in the morning and I'm tired."

"I suppose so, Light-kun," L said softly, getting up and shutting down his computer. Light did the same and followed the detective as he began to go to the stairs.

The two went up to their now shared room. Light hadn't seen it before now.

The first thing Light noticed was that there was only one bed. He didn't really like it, but if it helped prove he wasn't Kira, he was up for anything.

L walked across the room and got a chair as Light climbed into bed. Light tilted his head, perplexed, as L moved the chair beside the bed.

"What are you doing?"

L climbed into the chair and pulled a folding tray with a laptop on it closer to him. He looked at Light as he bit his thumb and waited for the laptop to start. "I'm working, Light-kun."

"I thought we were going to bed? I mean, didn't we come up here to sleep?"

"No, we came up here because Light-kun was tired and wanted to sleep," L said, pulling up files on the laptop and unwrapping a lollipop. "As Light-kun may have noticed by the dark bags beneath my eyes, I have insomnia and have trouble sleeping. I just thought I'd work while Light-kun slept."

"But... well..."

"Is that a problem?"

"Well, no, I guess not..." Light murmured, looking off.

"Good, now get some rest," L told him, before beginning to type away on the keyboard with the candy in his mouth. Light sighed softly before getting up. L looked up at the teenager. "What's wrong?"

"I need to change clothes," Light uttered, a light, barely noticeable tint of pink caressing his cheeks.

"Oh, right, of course," L muttered. He pushed the tray away and stood up. "Turn away. I cannot let Light-kun know where I keep the key."

Light did as he was told, and suddenly, his wrist was free.

"Be quick," L told him, sucking on his lollipop.

Light nodded and walked across the room and grabbed some pajamas. Keeping his back to L, the teenager began to strip down to his underwear. He kind of wondered if L was watching him, but he didn't know how he'd feel about that if he was.

L stared off, uninterested, as Light pulled on his clothes.

The aforementioned teenager came back to the insomniac, holding his wrist out for it to be cuffed.

L locked the cuff around the boy's wrist before climbing back in his chair.

"Thank you," Light said as he climbed back into bed.

L didn't say anything. All he did was turn off the light and continue typing and sucking on his lollipop as Light fell asleep.


Light woke up to the sunlight streaming through the window, shining across the room. He yawned and stretched, the clinking of the chain links reminding him of the man he was handcuffed to. Light's eyes followed the chain to the other end.

His eyes fell upon the insomniac sitting in the chair, sleeping peacefully. His onyx eyes were closed lightly, and his light breaths propelled the black hair that had fallen in front of his face. He sat in his usual position still, and Light wondered how one could do that all night long.

Light thought L looked absolutely beautiful when he was asleep. The teenager didn't want to wake him, even though it was seven AM and they only had an hour to get showered and dressed and fed before the task force members came back for work.

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