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A few days later.

There was a knock on the door inside the church-like building where Kira was staying. Ryuk turned to Kira and grabbed an apple as he began to speak.

"Misa's here, and so is her shinigami, Rem," he said, and Kira nodded. Ryuk opened the door and the two walked inside.

"Kira," Misa said, eyes sparkling with delight as she ran up to him and hugged him tightly. Kira hugged her back a bit before pushing her away slightly.

"Hello Misa," Kira uttered, sitting down. "Hello Rem. Why have you chosen today to come?"

"Misa just contacted Mikami and he said that he's bringing Birthday today," Misa told him, leaning against the table. "Misa wanted to meet him."

"Very well," Kira murmured, looking off.

After several minutes, there was another knock at the door. Ryuk opened the door.

"God," Mikami uttered, kneeling a bit. "I brought him..."

"Well, hello BB," Kira smiled wickedly, resting his chin on his hand as he looked at the man with red eyes. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure is mine," BB replied with an equally wicked grin as his licked his lips.


L and Light sat at their computers and the other members of the task force were all doing their jobs when Misa was at the door of the building and appeared on the camera that Matsuda was watching.

"Hey, Misa-Misa is here!" Matsuda exclaimed, a wide smile on his face. "Want me to let her in for you, Light?"

Light sighed. 'No, not really,' he thought, before shrugging.

"I don't know," he replied, looking over at L. He secretly hoped L would say no.

"You can go ahead and let her in," L said monotonously as always. "It shouldn't hurt, I suppose."

'Dammit!' Light cursed internally, gnawing on his bottom lip.

Matsuda jumped up from his chair and made his way down to greet Misa at the front door, a giant smile on his face.

Matsuda had a crush on the girl, but he knew his feelings weren't returned. He was half okay with that though. Matsuda thought about the obvious reasons why she couldn't like him and things, such as: 'How could a gorgeous girl like Misa-Misa like a guy like me...?' And 'Misa is Light's girlfriend, so she's off-limits,' and so on.

He walked out to where she was, and the first thing he noticed was how beautiful she looked compared to on camera.

"Hi, Misa-Misa," he said with a shy smile and a light blush. She grinned.

"Hi, Matsu!" She exclaimed, giving him a quick, friendly hug. Emphasis on the friendly though.

"Are you here to see Light?" He asked, although he already knew her answer.

"Yep! Why else would I be here?"

He chuckled, embarrassed, as the blush on his cheeks deepened. "N- No other particular reason, I suppose."

"Aww, Matsu!" Misa giggled. "You're blushing!"

"I am?" Matsuda asked, even though he knew he was.

"Yep!" Misa exclaimed, before pressing a kiss to his cheek. The blush spread to his neck and ears as well.

"I- I..." He was slightly lost for words.

She just giggled and began to go upstairs, gesturing for Matsuda to follow.

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