Twenty Two

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Misa ran as fast as she could to the funeral home. It was late and no one would be there to witness what was happening. The only problem with this plan was that she couldn't face L herself or he'd know. She'd probably have to pretend to be Kira from a distance and threaten L with the death of Light, but whatever she did, she couldn't tell him about the Death Note.

She grabbed her extra phone with a voice filter on it and left another extra phone on the table beside L, and then she went outside. The plan was simple: she'd call the other phone when L woke up and tell him what to say to the task force, and say that if he didn't, she'd kill Light.

She wouldn't actually, of course, but L didn't need to know that. And if L didn't cooperate, then she really would kill Light, but she'd bring him back later.

She called the spare phone.

It rang about five times before it was picked up.

"H- Hello?"

"L, this is Kira," Misa uttered quietly, looking around to make sure no one was nearby.

"What?" L asked, confused. "Kira? But I thought I was dead..."

"You were, but I revived you for my own reasons... unfortunately, I cannot tell you why..."

"Kira would never-"

"I am the second Kira."

L just blinked a few times. "What do you want? How did you revive me? It's impossible..."

"You are going to go to back to the task force, telling them that you faked your death to get away from me. But, you will not tell them about what Kira looks like, and you will not tell them what he said and did to you. If you don't do what I say, I'll have to have the first or the third Kira kill Light Yagami... or I'll do it myself, but I'll make you watch as something terrible ends him. Maybe I'll even have Beyond Birthday do it... I know Light is very dear to you, L, so you don't want him dead, right?"

Misa purposely ignored the last question. She couldn't tell him, no matter what.

"Light means nothing to me," L lied, sighing. 'There's a third Kira...?'

Misa shook her head. 'Fucking liar,' she thought. "But the life of an innocent teenager does, does it not?"

L was quiet for a moment. "Yes, I suppose so."

"Well there you go."

"Why are you doing this?"

"Like I said, I cannot tell you. Goodbye." And then Misa hung up, running off to hide behind a tree close by.

'He better go along with this...' she thought, sighing audibly. 'If he doesn't and goes off to work in secret by himself, everything will be screwed...'

She saw L exit the funeral home, and secretly followed him and saw him have someone check into a hotel down the road for him, giving them extra money for doing so.

'I just hope he goes through with the plan in the morning... If all else fails, I'll threaten to kill the others too...'

And with that, she quickly went home, Rem following silently.

Meanwhile, L was trying to figure out just what the hell was going on.

'First, Kira kills me, and then the second revives me. That means the first Kira and the second Kira must be secretly working against each other. There is also a third Kira, too, and Beyond Birthday is also working with them. The first Kira is probably thinking about killing the second Kira, and the second is probably thinking about doing the same thing to the first, or maybe they're thinking about exposing the first, but probably is afraid of the third Kira killing them out of revenge, or the first Kira exposing them as well. The second is also probably someone who feels guilty over something that isn't their fault as well, or they probably feel guilty about the deaths, and this is why the first Kira more than likely wants the second Kira dead. This is also probably the reason the second Kira revived me, but I feel like there's more to that. I also think the third Kira is probably very loyal to the first and also wants the second gone, so the second Kira is acting out. Or maybe the second doesn't know they could be the next victim, and are acting on their own for some other reason. This also doesn't explain why the first Kira is framing Light, or any of that, and it doesn't explain why I got revived, or how I got revived... And also, I cannot let Light die. I have to do what the second Kira says... Oh, my head hurts thinking about all of this... I'm quite tired actually... I should probably see if I can sleep now...'

L lay down, curled up in his usual position, and went to sleep. He'd deal with the task force, Light and more than likely Near and Mello in the morning, but for now, he'd sleep.


Hey, sorry if it's not very good, but at least it's a decent length  for now..

I hope you liked this anyways!! I love all of you! ♡

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