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"Why does it feel like we'll never find him?" Light had asked to no one in particular, sighing a bit. He was disappointed beyond belief, but he tried not to let it show.

"We will find him," Near murmured, making a tower out of playing cards. "Mello will, for sure."

Light gave another sigh and stood up. "I'm going home," he said, walking towards the door. "See you all tomorrow."

He took his time getting home, promising himself that he would toss out anything sharp he had before he could hurt himself again. Then he wouldn't have to drag Misa out again.

Suddenly, his phone was ringing and he grabbed it, checking the ID.

Well, what do you know.


He answered the phone and she was talking.

"Light, I need to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"I think I know where L is."


L sighed. He wasn't sure how long he'd been here anymore. He lost count.

He was begging to think that no one was looking for him.

He knew better, of course he did, but that didn't stop that lingering feeling in his stomach and the voice in his head telling him he'd just be replaced.

He wondered if Watari contacted Near and Mello yet.

He wondered how the task force was holding up. He wondered what they were doing.

He wondered how Light was handling all of it.

He knew the boy was probably upset, he couldn't deny that. He knew that Light cared for him and definitely liked him more than a friend.

L just didn't know how to handle that, or, what to do about it.

He never loved anyone in the romantic sense of the way, and in fact, the only person he ever loved in any kind of way was Watari. He loved that man to death and was so grateful to have him. He was grateful for Light, too.

He kind of missed the teenager. He missed his intelligence and his smirk and his eyes. And his smile. He missed that most of all.

He sighed again, finding himself to be bored and very tired. He missed his sitting position and his infinite amount of sweets. He missed everyone actually.

He missed Matsuda's idiocy. He missed Aizawa's outbursts. He missed the chief's and Watari's father-like figures. He missed Light.

Hell, he even missed Misa.

He hoped they were looking for him.

The door opened and L did not bother to lift his head. He was tired of seeing BB's smirk and tired of tasting strawberry jam.

Footsteps could be heard until he saw the feet of the person in front of him.

Those were not Beyond's shoes.

L lifted his head and he was face to face with no other than Light Yagami.


Filler chapter, sorry! This is just until I can get the better chapter written and just to hold you over for now c: hope you enjoyed.

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