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L and Light walked into the park with ice cream cones in their hands (Light wanted pistachio and L wanted chocolate). They found another bench and sat down.

"You know, Light-kun," L began, staring at his cone before licking the dripping ice cream. "Chocolate is my favorite ice cream flavor."

"Really? Why is that?" Light felt bad because he honestly didn't care to know why, but he still asked, because L was his friend, or, at least, Light thought of the detective as one.

"I don't know. I can't explain it."

As L took another lick at his ice cream, Light looked over and felt guilt settle in his stomach, making him nauseous upon seeing the giant bruise on L's cheekbone.

"Ryuzaki," Light uttered, his eyes full of sadness. L turned to face the teenager. "I really am sorry for hitting you. I feel so terrible."

"Don't worry about it, Light-kun," L told the younger male, turning his head forward again. "It doesn't even hurt."

"Are you sure?" Light asked as he reached his hand out, touching the bruised area on the detective's cheek with his fingertips, causing L to flinch and wince. Light sighed. "Liar."

"Don't feel bad, Light-kun. It'll go away eventually."

"I know, but I shouldn't have hit you."

The two dwindled to silence, eating their ice cream and watching the people walk around in the park. Neither said anything, and neither did much else.

Then L felt the gentle pressure of Light's lips on his bruised cheekbone. The detective blushed lightly and winced, but didn't stop the teenager. Light pulled away with his own blush, and still, neither uttered a word.

Eventually, the two left the bench and were just wandering around the park, until L turned to Light.

"Let's go on the swings for a bit and then perhaps have that tennis rematch?" The detective suggested, a small smile on his pale face.

The two had engaged in a tennis match when they both were still attending Tou-oh and Light had won. To them, it didn't seem so long ago, but it was easily a month or two before.

Light nodded with a grin and the two sat down on the swings, L, of course, sat in his usual position, despite the fact that he was literally sitting on this swing that had this thin, wooden plank that the swings usually have.

Light chuckled at this. "Why– how can you sit like that?" He asked, smiling. "How can do that in the swing? It's not uncomfortable?"

"No," is all L replied with. The insomniac gazed at Light. "I am pretty comfortable, actually."

Light got up off the swing and L looked confused for a moment. Light tried climbing back onto the swing awkwardly.

"What the heck are you doing, Light-kun–?" L began, utterly confused until Light tried to make himself comfortable on the swing. "Are you really–?" L started to giggle.

Light was sitting just like L on the swing.

"How the fuck–?" Light twisted around but then he accidentally fell backwards off the swing, landing on the ground with a thud.

L was laughing.

Light admired the detective that was letting his guard down for once, and actually laughing, which was so unlike him. The teenager grinned massively and started giggling himself.

"Y- you okay, Light-kun?" L asked, dwindling down to a mere giggle and trying to contain it to speak.

"Yep," Light replied, biting his lip as he smiled. "Couldn't be better."

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