Twenty One

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/A few hours later./

Light sat with Misa, crying and crying. He just couldn't stop.

When Misa had asked what was wrong, Light had told her about L.

Misa shed some tears and whispered softly to her boyfriend. Surprising him, she said,

"I know you loved him, Light. I could see it in your eyes when you talked about him. I could always tell."

Light looked up at her, tears cascading down his cheeks.

"Misa, I..."



Later that night, Misa cried to herself after Light had gone. Rem was there with her, trying to comfort her as much as possible.

"Rem... I just want him to be happy..."

After a moment, Rem sighed. "Misa..."


"There is a way you can bring L back to life..."

Misa's eyes widened. "Really?" She asked, wiping her tears away. "How?"

"With this..." Rem uttered, holding an eraser. "The death eraser. If you erase whoever's name that is written in the notebook, they will come back to life."

Misa carefully took the eraser. Biting her lip, she opened the book to the page with the name 'L Lawliet' scrawled in pencil, courtesy of Kira. She glared at the page before she thanked God the name was not written in ink.

She erased the name and tossed the book on the couch, running outside and locking the door. Rem was right behind her, and the two of them ran off to find L.


Sorry it's short, I've been busy lately T~T I'll write more soon ♡

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