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Light had one thing on his mind.

L. 'I have to get to L. Misa must tell me where he is...'

Light ran to Misa's house as quickly as possible, before stopping abruptly.

'Wait, how does Misa...?'

Light blinked and gasped.

'Is she... is she Kira...?'

Light ran as fast as he could, needing to know.

He knocked on her door several times until she answered.


"Misa, where is he?! Tell me where he is! And- and how do you know?! Tell me, Misa! Tell me now!"

Light was crying, and Misa finally understood. She understood that L meant the world to Light, and that he was Light's true happiness. How could she deny him that?

'I have to tell him...'

"Light, please come inside," she whispered, removing his hands from his shoulders and leading him inside. She made him sit on the couch and she sat in the chair across the room.



"Where is he...?"

Misa swallowed the lump in her throat. She'd tell him everything, and she'd surrender. She'd write Kira's and Mikami's name in the book, and before the NPA could arrest her, she'd write her own name.

This had to be done.

"Light, listen to me carefully..."



Light's phone went off. He quickly answered, seeing it was his father.


"Light, it's Near."

Light blinked. "What do you need?"

"Mello found L-"

"WHAT?!" Light shouted, standing up. "I'll be there as soon as possible!"

He hung up before Near could say anything.


"I've got to go, Misa, they found him!"


Light was already out of the door, running down the street, towards headquarters.

When he arrived, he jumped into the car with his father, Watari, Near and the albino's team.

"Light, there's something you should know..." Near began, sighing.




L had tears in his eyes, the most emotion he was sure he'd shown in awhile.

"L, I'm here to get you out of this place," 'Light' said calmly, kneeling down and cutting the rope off the insomniac.

"Light, where's Birthday?" L asked, trying to see if he was coming in the room.

"I knocked him out," 'Light' replied simply, picking L up bridal style, and walking out of the room.

"What's going on at headquarters? Where's everyone?" L felt an uneasiness in his stomach.

"They are waiting for us right outside the woods."

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