Twenty Six

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Taro Kagami.

Almost a week had passed, and yet they're still stuck with the name.

They ran the name through the system, but came back with nothing. They tried to track the phone, only to decide it was destroyed and unable to be tracked anyway.

It seemed as if there was nothing they could do.

"We have the name but... no face..." Aizawa sighed out, sipping his coffee as he looked at Matsuda, who hadn't said much since Misa died. The funeral was in a few days though.

"We could write his name in that notebook if we knew what he looked like, according to the rules that shinigami told us about," Mello chimed in. "This sucks. Too bad we haven't seen his face."

"That is not entirely true," L said, and they all looked at him.

"What do you mean?" Near asked softly, eyebrows furrowed.

"I saw Kira's face before he killed me."

"Wait, so that means you could write his name-" Mello started, but L interrupted him.

"If I did such a thing, there would be no real difference between Kira and I."

"But Ryuzaki, if you did it the case would finally end," Light said, and L sighed.

"I am not going to use the notebook," L muttered, sending a small glare in Light's direction, warning him not to argue. "We will catch Kira without it."

"But how?" Soichiro asked, looking at L.

"Shinigami," the detective addressed Rem, turning his chair a little as he unwrapped a lollipop.

"What is it?" Rem replied.

"Can you or one of us bring Misa back to life with the notebook?" L asked, but he knew the answer- he just wanted to be 100% sure.

"Yes, with the death eraser."

"Good to know. Light?"

"Yes, Ryuzaki?"

"Erase her name from the book in half an hour. Mello, Aizawa, Mogi, go get Misa's body and bring it here as discreetly as you can. Be quick."

And with a few nods, they're off, L's plan about to unfold in a bit.


This is short, I'm so sorry. I'll write a longer update when it isn't 4am. Sorry it took so long!

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