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L awoke with aching limbs and a dull headache. He slowly opened his eyes, only to snap them shut as he was blinded by sunlight streaming right into his eyes, coming from a small window near the upper right corner of the room.

'What… happened…?'

L suddenly remembered the events of the night before: he had set Light free, he had screwed up and kissed him, then he had basically kicked Light out, then he went to sleep and was awakened by an intruder who'd strangled him until he passed out.

'Oh no…'

L looked around frantically, and then he realized that he was bound to a chair. He was in a small, stone room, that had only one window and one door close to it, almost like a shed made of stone. It also had a table near the window.

It made the insomniac feel uneasy. He was being held captive, but by whom?

He remembered the flash of red eyes just then. There was only one person he knew of with red eyes.

The door opened and L's captor walked into the small room, black hair which contrasted his pale skin and red eyes to go with the wicked smirk plastered on his face.

'Beyond Birthday…'

BB had on a baggy, white long-sleeved shirt like L's and baggy jeans similar to L's, only gray, and he wore sneakers. He had a butcher knife in his hand which actually scared L a little more than slightly, because he knew BB and knew what he was capable of.

"Well, well, well," BB grinned, eyes looking mischievous as he stepped closer to his captive. "Look who's finally awake. Hey, sweetheart."

"Beyond," L murmured, a bit of anger in his voice. "I thought we locked you away?"

"What, are you not happy to see me, darling?" BB asked, still grinning wickedly, one of his eyebrows raised.

"No, of course not," L muttered, struggling a bit in his restraints. "You're supposed to be in prison."

"Well, I escaped about a year ago, sweetheart," BB smirked.

"Hm. Well then, why is it that you suddenly have come after me? Because I had locked you away for life? Or are you doing it for your own personal, twisted pleasure? Is it because of your sick infatuation with me? Ah, I don't doubt it. You've always been so obsessed with me. Well, your creepy, childish love for me is one-sided, Birthday."

"Actually, babydoll, you are wrong. I'm holding you hostage for Kira, not for my own personal, 'twisted pleasure'. I don't even love you that much anymore. How could I when you are an arrogant bastard who broke my heart and made me the way I am?" BB clutched the knife tighter in his hand.

L's eyes widened at the mention of Kira. Ignoring everything else BB said, L focused on Kira. "Why are you working with Kira? Shouldn't he have killed you? You're one of the worst murderers in history, right up there with Jack the Ripper. Why are you not dead, now that I think about it…?"

If it could, BB's grin got wider. "It's because I have the eyes, darling."

L squinted his eyes and tilted his head in confusion. "What are you talking about…? The eyes…?"

"The eyes of a Shinigami, babydoll."

L paled. 'S- Shinigami…? They– they actually exist…?'

"But let's not get into that too much, babydoll," BB said, still grinning as he set his knife down on the table. "Why do you think Kira wants me to hold you for him?"

"Kira wants to kill me," L stated, licking his dry lips. "He probably wants to see my face so he can do so."

"That's correct, sweetheart," BB told him, clapping once for effect. "Good job." He crouched beside L's chair, grinning wider as he saw a flicker of fear in L's eyes.

"Beyond… Who is Kira? What is his real name?"

"That's for me to know, and perhaps for you to find out on your deathbed, sugar." BB stopped grinning, and frowned.

L's eyes widened. "You won't tell me anything about him?"

"No, I won't."

L sighed and the two dwindled down to silence, until BB grinned again.

"Are you feeling alright, babydoll?" He asked, rubbing L's thigh a bit, making the older frown and glare at the other.

"Other than the fact that the way you're touching me and the nicknames you keep giving me are making me uncomfortable, and the way you're looking and grinning at me is unnerving, I'm fine."

"You're lying, but I'll forgive you for not wanting me to worry. Does your neck hurt, sweetheart?" BB grazed his fingertips across the marks he'd inflicted – bruises and tiny cuts – and the dried blood on L's pale neck, causing L to flinch and wince. "I'll take that as a yes. What else is bothering you, babydoll? Don't bother lying."

L sighed. "Nothing other than aching from being tied up and a dull ache in my head."

"Ah, well you're not hungry or thirsty or in need of a restroom, are you, darling?"

"Actually, yes, all three. But… why are you being so considerate? Not that I am complaining, it's just I was just assuming you were going to torture me or do something extreme, given your personality."

"Well, I honestly can't have you dying on me, darling, so why bother? Sure, it'd be fun, but Kira might get pissed, and I'm not quite in the mood to die just yet."

"Good point," L murmured, sighing.

BB stood up and looked over at the door. "I'm going to get you something to eat and some water, and I'll be back shortly. When I come back, maybe I'll let you use the restroom, if you promise to behave…"

With a wink, BB retreated and L was left alone. He experimentally tugged the bonds binding him to the wooden chair, testing them. They were pretty tight and were going to be awfully difficult to try to get out of.

'Perhaps if I can somehow persuade Birthday to let me loose for just a few moments, I could escape… It would have to be a quick escape… also, I could knock him out if given the chance… that would help, surely. This will be tricky, but maybe I can pul it off…'

And L sat, thinking, and waiting for BB to return.

Okay so I got one last chapter for today oh my god there's real plot aha

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