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"Whatcha doing now, Light?"

Misa kept finding (unintentional) ways to pester the college student, and she was driving him insane already.

Light just closed his eyes and sighed. "I'm just helping Ryuzaki search for any leads," he said as calmly as he could manage.

"Can Misa help?" The girl asked innocently, batting her eyelashes at her boyfriend. Light bit his lip to stop himself from yelling at her. L saw this, and turned to Misa.

"Light-kun and I have this," he said, looking up at her with is onyx eyes. "Why don't you go and speak with Matsuda?"

Misa huffed a bit and rolled her eyes. "Fine," she muttered, turning away and sitting next to Matsuda. Light looked at L in disbelief. L looked at Light and flashed a small smile before turning away and getting back to work.

Light did as well, sighing as he did so.

After a bit, it was time for a bit of a break. The chief decided he wanted some lunch and despite L's offers to have Watari bring him some, also decided he wanted to get out for a bit. He decided to take Matsuda and Ide (the others didn't want to come) with him and they were going to bring some food back for the others. L decided to go get some cake and stretch his legs for a bit. Mogi and Ukita sat on the couch and Misa sat opposite them in a chair, and Aizawa in another chair. Light left to go to the bathroom.

As L walked into the room with his cake and strode over to his chair to sit down, he looked around and asked,"Where's Light-kun?"

Ukita opened his mouth to answer, but nothing came out. The door opened and Light walked into the room, and just then, Ukita grasped the left side of his chest, his eyes wide.

He was having a heart attack.

"Ukita?!" Aizawa shouted, jumping up and dashing to Ukita, grabbing him.

"It's Kira!!" Mogi exclaimed, getting up quickly. Misa screamed and jumped up, running to Light and clinging to him.

L glared at Light, and the auburn-haired boy had no idea why the detective was glaring at him. L's suspicion of Light being Kira was raised by a bit also.

Light looked into L's eyes, trying to determine the reason for the glare, and not finding much but–

'Oh fuck… he doesn't think that I'm… Kira… does he? Shit, I hope he doesn't think I killed Ukita because I didn't! I'm not Kira!! I couldn't kill a person! Fucking hell!'

L watched as Aizawa checked the pulse of Ukita, finding him to be dead already. L glared once more at Light, thinking to himself.

'He is the only suspect; He is the only one who could have killed Ukita… right? Surely none of the Task Force members could be Kira… Misa is an idiot… so… the only one it could really be is… Yagami Light… But… I have no evidence… Something will have to be done about this…'

L looked away and sat down in his chair in the position as always.

About two weeks had passed since Ukita's death and the Task Force members were all working like normally (and of course, Misa was in the room, bugging Light to no end), when L suddenly stood up and looked at Soichiro. "Come with me, Yagami-san," L said, before walking out of the room. Soichiro looked around before getting up and following L out of the room. Light watched them with curiosity evident in his eyes.

L turned to the chief. "There's something on my mind that cannot be ignored any longer," he uttered, looking into the older man's eyes. The chief nodded.

"What is it, Ryuzaki?"

"It's Yagami-kun," L murmured, putting his thumb to his lips. "My suspicions are high; I fear he may actually be Kira…"

"But Ryuzaki…"

"I have no evidence to prove he is actually Kira, but I am roughly 85.5% sure he is," L muttered, looking off. "I have no way to prove it though, so, I've decided on a test. We'll put Yagami-kun in confinement and wait to see if the murders stop or not."

"Sounds reasonable, but…"

"I promise, no harm shall come to him while he is confined."

"…Okay," the chief uttered, nodding slightly.

"We'll do it at a random point, perhaps sometime early tomorrow. Once he is in confinement, tell your family members and anyone else that perhaps requires to know or asks of his whereabouts that he was sent somewhere else for investigation. We'll confine Yagami-kun and see what happens."

Part one update of like 3 or 4 o.o omg

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