Twenty Nine

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Black and brown eyes met two sets of red, which were staring back at the two lovers who had been working so hard to get to this point. Matsuda stood close by, his gun aimed shakily at Taro Kagami, or Kira as he'd been going by, to make sure the two killers stayed far enough back. Rem lingered behind Light, towering over him. She stared down Ryuk, Kira's shinigami who L and Light could not see as they'd never touched the other notebook. L carefully watched Beyond Birthday, his eyes cold and calculating, trying to predict what the others would do next. BB's own eyes were cold too, maybe even colder. Dangerous. Deadly. He locked eyes with L.

"You should surrender," Light said after a while, and he was the one to finally break the silence out of everyone that was around in the area. He somehow managed to seem calm, even though the fact that Kira was someone who looked exactly like him absolutely frightened him, and now they were face to face, making this all worse. Yet Light kept his cool. His eyes flickered to his watch for the briefest moment before his eyes found Kira's again and they narrowed.

"Why surrender when I've already won?" Kira asked with a tilt of his head. He was smiling maniacally; he almost looked as insane on the outside as he truly was on the inside. "You see, I knew that stupid bitch was lying when she said she wrote my name down. And now she's dead too, and you have nothing- no way to stop me."

"But what makes you think that you've won?" L inquired coolly, tilting his own head. Kira glowered at him, not understanding.

"And why are you so obsessed with me?" Light then questioned with a slight raise of his voice, taking a step forward only to be stopped by L's hand on his chest. Light took a breath and shook his head then, calming himself. He couldn't let himself get too emotional, couldn't allow his guard to lower in front of Kira. He'd surely end up dead.

Besides- he sort of already knew why Kira was so obsessed with him thanks to Miss giving him the information, but he figured that there had to be more to it. There must've been something else he was missing and he needed Kira to tell him why.

Before it was too late.

"It doesn't matter now," Kira muttered, brows furrowed. "Nothing else matters now except for this. You're both going to die here today, and so will everyone else on your side. And then... this world will be mine. Nothing can stop that from happening anymore."

"The shinigami will just bring us back to life," Light argued, trying to seem confident when really he was just terrified. His heart sank when Kira smirked, unfazed by that knowledge.

"The shinigami," Kira began, "can't do anything to help you if you're not killed by the notebook."

At that they all looked at Beyond Birthday, who Light and L had only just realized was brandishing a butcher knife - the very same one he'd teased L with during some of the days that the detective was held captive by him. The sunlight reflected off of the blade when BB tilted it ever so lightly, and he aimed the light beam towards L's eyes, blinding him momentarily.

"Sorry, babydoll," the serial killer laughed. He took a step forward but only stopped when he noticed Matsuda's gun was now pointing at him.

"S- Stop where you are or else! Don't take another step!" Matsuda's hands were shaking and he knew he probably didn't seem intimidating at all, but at least he could keep BB away from Light and L like this.

"Matsuda," L snapped, shaking his head. "Back down. Don't be hasty and irrational; empty threats don't work on him. He's dangerous."

"Whatcha gonna do," BB taunted and L turned the glare towards him instead, "shoot me?" He stepped forward again with an evil, twisted grin directed at Matsuda. Matsuda's hands shook even more, but he kept the gun pointed at the killer regardless.

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