Twenty Four

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L's pale and delicate hands undid the buttons of Light's shirt, swiftly, precisely, until all of them were undone. He loosened Light's tie as well, dropping it onto the floor.

They somehow had gotten upstairs and into the room they'd once shared.

Light grabbed L's shirt, pulling him closer, kissing him. The younger boy pushed the older onto the bed, breaking their kiss and lifting the detective's white shirt to reveal L's flat stomach (though all he ate was sweets; Light was jealous).

"Light-kun," L gasped and shivered as Light licked his stomach. He grabbed Light's shoulders, slipping the shirt off of them.

Light removed L's shirt then, tossing it on the floor before he moved to undo the button and zipper on L's jeans. He also undid his own pants as L ran his pale hands up Light's tan torso.

Light slid off L's pants and boxers, leaving the detective fully unclothed.

"You're so," Light began, looking for the right word to describe L as he slipped his shirt the rest of the way off. "Beautiful-"

"Light-kun," L murmured, somewhat interrupting, his eyebrows furrowed. Light responded with a 'hm', and L just stared at the teenager's arm. "Where did those markings come from?"

"Markings?" Light asked, confused. He'd absolutely forgotten.

"There, on your arm."

Light truly felt stupid. How could he have done such a thing and then totally forget? How could he think L would not notice? "They're nothing to worry about," he said, kissing L lightly on the lips, but L wouldn't give up like that.

"What have you been doing to yourself, Light-kun?"

Light sighed out, sitting up. "Look, I don't know why I did it, but I did, and it's done now. Let's forget about it."

"We have to talk about this. Why did you really do it?"

"No, we don't. And I already told you-"

"If you tell me the real reason why, then I'll stop asking."

Light closed his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose. "You want to know why?"

L didn't answer, and felt a drop of liquid land on his cheek. Followed by another, and another.

"I did it... because I thought I'd lost you..."


"Now," Light said, wiping his eyes. "Can we please not talk about this anymore?"

"Alright," L replied, letting himself be kissed again. Light somehow got out of his pants, and he, too, was now fully undressed.

They lay together, skin on skin, as they kissed and touched each other anywhere that could be reached.

"Light-kun," L breathed out, grabbing Light's shoulder. "Are we going to have sex?"

Light chuckled. "It's a bit late to be asking that now, don't you think?" He leaned down to kiss L's neck.

L shrugged, tilting his head so Light had better access. "I suppose."

"Do you not want to have sex?"

L thought about it. "There's a first time for everything, and this is my first time having sex with anyone. I guess I'm just a little nervous."

"Don't worry about a thing. I haven't either, but you know, we're both smart enough to figure this out. Besides, I... may or may not have read up on how to do this with you..."

"I know. I'm not worried about that. I'm concerned about how it will feel. I'm forty six percent sure I won't like it."

"You don't and won't know unless we try."

L considered this. "Okay."

First, L was being prepped by Light's skilled fingers. Then came the real thing.

He dug his long fingers into Light's shoulders, gritting his teeth slightly at the feeling of Light entering him. It wasn't exactly pleasurable; it was painful, but it wasn't something L couldn't take.

After the first couple of thrusts, it started to feel better and better, until L found himself having to actually hold back the sounds he was close to making.

They came together, and then after Light pulled out, he and L lay cuddled up together, wrapped up in each other.

"That..." Light panted out, trying to catch his breath. "That was... amazing..."

"It was definitely something else," L somewhat agreed, also panting slightly. "Something I may have to think about trying again."

"But did I make you feel good?" Light had to ask, blushing slightly.

L smiled. "Yeah, I guess you could say that."

"Would you like to go again?"

L pondered this. "Eh, why not?"


Eh. Sorry it wasn't exactly smutty, but at least it's something, y'know? I needed to update (bc yknow, it's been almost 5 months...) but I was stuck :p anyway, I may update again soon since this so close to ending, but I probably won't write any other death note fics after this, at least not for a while because I'm writing Naruto stuff right now, but we'll see I guess.

I'm also mad because I found a typo in like chapter 19 I think but I really am not in the mood to fix it three times, so yeah. Not getting changed i guess.

♡ anyways, ily guys, thanks for sticking with me here c:

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