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The day passed slowly, tension between the two handcuffed to each other was thick like butter. L wasn't ready to talk to Light about anything yet, trying to ignore him when possible. This saddened the teenager, who'd quickly realized it.

Light was thinking about giving up on trying to make L see his true feelings.

L was thinking about freeing the teenager of the handcuffs to separate them.

Night had fallen and most of the task force men went home, Matsuda being the only one who had stayed a bit longer.

He could sense the tension between the detective and the suspect, but he didn't say anything. He just finished up what he was doing and left, leaving them alone, hoping that that was the right thing to do.

The two still didn't speak, even after Matsuda had left. They remained silent, until Light was ready to go up to bed.

"Ryuzaki, I'm tired," he yawned, stretching his arms. L just stood up without a word and shut off the computer, before walking off. Light had no choice but to follow.

They made it to their shared room wordlessly, L biting his thumb as he opened the door and stepped aside for Light to walk into the room first.

As L turned to lock the door like he usually did each night, he felt two arms wrap around his chest and upper arms, and then he felt a warm body press against his, and then a head rest on his upper back. He parted his lips in surprise, sighing out a bit.

"Light," the older male murmured, bringing his thumb to his lips. The teenager noted the lack of an honorific, but still didn't say anything. He held L just a little bit tighter.

"Light," the detective whispered a bit softer, and then the teenager let him go, looking away.

L had turned to face the boy. Reaching into his back pocket, he pulled out a small, silver key, unlocking Light's cuff, and then his own. Light was surprised as he saw the handcuffs hit the floor with a soft thud accompanied by a clinking noise.

'I am going to regret all of this,' L thought to himself, staring at the handcuffs.

"Ryuzaki…?" Light uttered quietly, looking up into the insomniac's eyes. For a split second, the two were just standing there, not doing or saying anything. Light opened his mouth to speak again but no words came out.

'What is he thinking?' Light wondered, staring intensely into the detective's eyes.

And then L seemed to get closer, his heart racing as he grabbed Light by his shirt, and Light's heart was pounding so hard as well, he thought it was going to explode. He also couldn't seem let go of L's gaze. And then, all time seemed to stand still as L crushed their lips together for the first time.

Light's eyes were wider than ever, and he couldn't seem to breathe. L was kissing him…

Light's eyes slipped closed and he kissed L back as he grasped the insomniac's shoulders and attempted to pull him as close as possible.

L sighed into the kiss and began to pull Light over to their bed to sit. He sat in the teenager's lap with his feet on either side of Light's hips, sitting sort of like in his usual, favorite position, but not quite.

L pulled away to breathe, trying to form a coherent thought in his mind, but Light was pressing gentle kisses to his neck and he couldn't think straight (which was a first for the detective).

"Ligh–" L began, but was cut off when Light sealed his lips over the insomniac's again.

L kissed back, trying to copy what Light was doing, (having no idea how to kiss) and gripping tighter onto Light's shirt as the teenager slid one of his own hands up the detective's shirt. Light pinched one of L's nipples with one hand, using his free one to slide up the inside of L's thigh, dangerously close to his groin, which caused the older to gasp and pull away, the reality of the situation finally hitting him.

'What the hell am I doing?'

He swallowed thickly and looked off.

"I– we don't– we don't have to do anything," Light stuttered, flushing slightly. "I'm sorry…"

"No, Light-kun," L murmured, feeling very embarrassed and ashamed of himself. "I am sorry."

"Ryuzaki…" The teenager whispered, leaning in and kissing L again, but this time, L wouldn't respond, so Light pulled away.

"This was a mistake… We shouldn't have done this… I am so sorry…"

"I- I understand, I guess…" Light muttered sadly, looking away.

L cast his gaze down as a few tears formed in his eyes, but he wasn't going to cry. He didn't cry. Ever. He silently got off of the boy's lap and brought his thumb back to his lips.

Light stood up and looked towards the door. "I guess I'm going to go home…"

"Light-kun…" L uttered, stepping closer to Light and hugging him slightly. "If the circumstances were different… maybe…"

"I know," Light whispered, holding L in his arms. "Maybe you could learn to love me if I prove to you I'm not Kira… But for now, I guess we should only be friends…"

Light kissed L's forehead, and then Light had left, and L was alone, and for once, he didn't bother locking the goddamn door again (half hoping Light would return) and climbed into bed to try to get some sleep.

At some point later in the night, the door to his room had opened and he stirred, sitting up. "Light-kun…?" He mumbled, rubbing his eyes.

Suddenly, there was a hand pressed against this throat and long fingers wrapped around his slender neck.

L panicked, trying to breathe. 'What the hell is going on?!'

He grabbed onto the wrist of his attacker and tried to kick out, but failed and was pushed down, and the hand squeezing his throat got tighter, strangling him harder as he tried to gasp for breath. He could feel his attacker's fingernails digging into the sides of his neck, drawing blood, which he could feel slowly gushing out.

The last thing L saw before he passed out from strangulation was two red orbs shining in the faint light coming from the window.

yooo I might have three chapters today but probably two Idk anyways enjoyyy

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