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"Do you really need to go this far, Ryuzaki?"

Light gestured to the long chain of the handcuffs that contained his left wrist and L's right one, connecting Light to L.

The two were handcuffed together…!

"I am not doing this because I want to, you know," L said monotonously, as always.

"Huh… Is this what you meant by being together twenty four/seven?" Misa asked, eyes wide a bit. L nodded. "But– but Light's mine! How are we going to be able to go on dates and stuff?"

"Well, you can still go on dates, but it'll be the three of us," L stated, causing Misa to whine.

"So you are telling me we'll have to like, kiss in front of you and stuff?" Misa asked in a complaining tone.

"I'm not telling you to do anything but yes, I suppose I would be watching."

"Ugh, you're such a pervert! Light is mine! I don't want to share him with you!"

"Well, I do not know what to tell you. He has to stay with me because I am still suspicious."

"So you are saying I DO have to share him with you?? Are you on that side of the fence, Ryuzaki?"

"I do not know what my sexual orientation has to do with Light-kun being handcuffed to me…"

"It has a lot to do with it, you pervert!"

"Light-kun, please make Misa stop talking now."

Aizawa stood up from his chair. "Enough of this!" He exclaimed. "Enough talking about homos and dates and kissing! We should be trying to catch Kira!"

"Aizawa-san is right," L sighed, walking to the chair which made Light stumble as he was dragged behind L, uttering a 'Ryuzaki!'. "We should get back to trying to catch Kira…"

Misa rolled her eyes and huffed before plopping down on a couch angrily.

"Misa-Misa, don't be so upset!" Matsuda said in a cheery voice, smiling and sitting next to the girl. Misa sighed a bit. "I'm sure you and Light will have plenty of time for dates once Light proves his innocence."

Misa seemed to cheer up a bit at Matsuda's words. "I… I suppose you're right… Misa and Light will have time later, I guess."

"There you go!" Matsuda said happily, causing Misa to grin.

Light stole a glance at L, seeing the eccentric man in the chair, sitting the way he usually did, with his thumb placed on his lower lip. Light bit his own lip gently, looking L up and down.

L gazed over at Light, seeing the teenager staring at him. Light blushed and averted his gaze back to the computer screen.

'I can't go checking him out like that!' Light scolded himself internally. 'That's a bit gay. L's going to think I like him or something…'

L looked away and back to his screen as well, unwrapping a candy and placing it on his tongue.

'Why was Light-kun looking at me like that…?' L wondered, suddenly feeling a bit self-conscious and insecure. 'Is there something wrong with me that I don't notice…? Or was he just staring just to get under my skin…? Seems like something Kira would do…' L quickly glanced once more at Light before looking away just as quick. 'I shall ponder over this later.'

Kira was sitting in the chair, feeling bored as he wrote more names in his Death Note, when Ryuk flew in through the window.

"Hey Kira," the Shinigami uttered, chuckling. "Light is out of confinement."

"Is that so?" Kira asked wearily, yawning out of pure boredom. He wrote at least fifty names today– give or take a few–, writing some ahead of time for the next few days to come. "Do they not think he is Kira anymore?"

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