Twenty Three

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Saying that the next day wasn't chaotic would be an understatement.

When L walked into the task force headquarters, things were worse than chaotic.

Light's eyes widened, he paled, and began to cry (surprisingly); Matsuda fainted, Soichiro looked like he was going to faint, same as Aizawa, Mogi and Ide; Near looked calm (but really wasn't on the inside) and Mello looked angry, Matt looked surprised and so did Watari. Misa was not present.

L walked closer, thumb placed delicately on his very pale lips.

"What the hell's going on?" Mello asked, and L told them. He told them what Kira had said to tell them, which was that he faked his death to escape or whatever Kira had said. Near looked a bit suspicious about it, but didn't say a word. The rest bought it instantly.

Well, the rest except for Light.

Later on at night, when everyone else left to go home or to a hotel (Matt and Mello; Near went to bed in the headquarters itself) and Light got L alone, he popped the question.

"Ryuzaki," Light murmured lowly, the harsh glare of the computer screens illuminating his face in the darkness of the room. "You didn't really fake your death, did you?"

Without a second thought, and without looking in Light's direction at all, L said, "Of course I did, Light-kun."

"You're a damn liar. Kira brought you back somehow, didn't he?"

But L wouldn't give it up. "No, Light-kun, it was all fake."

"If that's the case... then... how could you do that to me?" Light asked sadly, scooting his chair closer, spinning it to completely face the insomniac, who turned his own slightly. "Don't you know how I feel about you?" To emphasize, Light grabbed L's hands (that had been resting on his knees) gently, rubbing tiny circles into them. L couldn't look the teenager in the eyes anymore.

The following silence was almost unbearable, until L broke it moments later. "How do you feel about me, Light?" He asked softly, quietly, so much so that Light barely heard it over his own heart pounding in his chest.

"How do I feel about you?" Light repeated, seeing L's eyes glance up at his face for only a moment, noticing the small, quick nod the insomniac gave. "I love you." L's lips parted at that, and he was looking up at Light's face again. "I guess you're not as smart as you think you are if you didn't know that."

L let out a breath, squeezing Light's fingers slightly.

"Light... do you remember what we'd talked about the last time I saw you?"

"Eh, not really actually..."

"I was saying if things were different, perhaps we could've been together, in a relationship."

"Oh yeah, now I remember..." Light said, feeling disappointed now.

"Then you said, 'Maybe you could learn to love me if I prove to you I'm not Kira,' and that's it, Light. I know you aren't Kira. I've seen the first Kira, and he and you are different."

"You've seen Kira?!"

"Yes... I have. But back to what I was saying. I know you're not Kira. Things are different now."

"What are you saying, Ryuzaki?" Light asked, eyes widened and a faint blush on his cheeks.

"What I'm saying, Light, is if you love me like you say, then you should kiss me. Or you could show me another way somehow..."

Light was speechless, his blush brightening. 'He wants me to... to kiss him... or... oh...'

"Well? We don't have all night."

Light nodded and stood, letting go of the pale hands and cupping L's cheek with one hand, using his other hand to push L's legs down so he was sitting like a normal person.

Light climbed into L's lap, moving his hands to sort of cup L's neck and jaw. Light leaned in, his nose bumping the other's as he pressed their lips together.

He felt L's delicate hands rest on his waist lightly, hesitantly, like perhaps the detective was nervous.

Light was nervous.

He'd never been intimate with a person before. Be it girl or boy. And he was absolutely sure that L hadn't either. Not that L wasn't pretty, or attractive or anything. He was just... odd. And introverted.

But that was okay. L was fine just how he was, and Light wouldn't change him for the world.

Light Yagami was truly in love.


I'm sorry this took awhile!! But you get some romantic shit and probably smut in the next chapter, but only if you guys want it. Anyhow, ily guys!

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