Chapter 1

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     Nathan Fredrickson Ferguson sighed.  He hated his name for many reasons. For one thing, it was long since his middle name had eleven letters and his last name had nine letters.  For another thing, he found out that the last person with the same middle initials as his turned out to be a total wacko.  He did not want people to think badly about him. Then, there was the fact his grandfather was murdered by the last person with the middle name Fredrickson.  Why on earth did his parents not research names before they named him?  He despised murderers.

       He had no idea that he was not actually a human.  How was he to know otherwise? He was kept at home most of his life, and no visitors were ever allowed to enter the place.   He knew his teeth were extra sharp.  He also knew he was allergic to the sunshine. He did not think to ask about it. He figured he would understand soon enough.

        He was almost eighteen years old.  On his eighteenth birthday, he would be expected to pass down the family mark to someone else. He was not sure what all that involved. It was not as if his father ever explained it to him.  Besides, his father had died years ago, and his mother was too ill to discuss it with him. The other relatives were no help either.   

        "Nathan, it will be something you shall discover for yourself in due time."  His grandmother had said before she died from accidental exposure to a silver stake. 

          To this day, Nathan had not the foggiest idea of what she meant.  He just knew he was different, but not sure how or why.  He turned on the television set and heard the news reporter talk about the latest victim.  He watched in horror as the lady went on to describe the marks on the woman's neck.  He found it to be disgusting and rather mysterious.  He had no clue what could have done this to the young lady.  He noticed the woman now in the hospital bed looked pale and wondered if she was even alive.

          Then, the reporter questioned her, and sure enough, the woman answered almost everything.  Her story about what happened to her did not make much sense. She went on about how an animal, a creature of the night, attacked her out of nowhere on her way home from a late-night shift at her workplace.

        "Nathan, brother, I thought I told you the news was full of lies," Celeste shook her head to show her disapproval.


   Find out more in Chapter 2

    bye, bye little owlets!

      -Summer out!

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