Chapter 17

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      Nathan sat in his room with his hands over his face. He could not understand this feeling.  Was it love?   Oh, he wished he knew.  He felt horrible for running off on her as he did.  He was no better than the boy who grabbed her arm tight. How could he have kissed her and then left as he did?   What was he thinking?

      "Stella is beautiful."

     "Agh, why did not I stop myself?"

     "What if she loves me, or even worse hates me, now?"

      "I do not know what to do."

         Nathan took a closer look at the journal he had found.  It was one written by his great grandfather years ago. He had not read it much before but now felt it was time.

       He shook in sheer terror as he read the words in bold letters. His great grandfather had turned a young lady into a vampire, and soon they were wed.  Then, later he read that his maternal grandfather had wed a human but did not succeed in turning her.  He read on to discover his paternal grandfather and grandmother were both vampires.  

        He continued to read.  On page 3, he saw the words that shocked him the most "I suspect my grandson Nathan is one of them.  By one of them, I mean a half-bred. "

        "What on earth is a half-bred?"

        He read the next page.  "A half-bred is a half-vampire half-human bled." 

         He dropped the journal. He closed it. He wished he had never found it.

        He wished he were part human.  How would he become fully human?  

         He pulled out his computer and looked it up online.  He sighed.

         He needed a blood sample. How would he get it? 


      The next day, Nathan went to a special clinic and had his blood tested.  Perhaps, then he would get the answers he sought.  He hoped so. 

         He got a phone call later that day. He had type O negative blood.  He supposed that was nice to know.  He also found out he was indeed a half-bred.  

         He ran home and almost bumped into Stella. He noticed her smile was gone. In its place was a frown.  He also released it was all his fault.  


        "Yes, what of it?"

       "This is for kissing me and running away."  He felt his cheek bruise temporarily after she slapped it.

        Nathan did not say another word. He knew she was right. He did not expect her to break down in tears and kiss his cheek afterward.

         "S-Sorry, it is just that I thought you would die.  Then, you did not.  You confused me."

         "I beg your pardon."

       "Do not lie to me."

        "Stella, I am sorry. "

       "Sorry for what?"

       "For everything."

      "Is it true?  Is your sister a vampire?"

      "Yes, but how did you find out?"

        "I found an old book with a story about her in it. It said she rescued a boy from drowning nearly 500 years ago.  I thought it must be a mistake as she is not that old. Yet, sure enough, it was her name.  Celeste rescued a girl from a burning barn ten years ago and was assumed dead as it collapsed on her shortly afterward."

      "You and I know she made it."

     "Also, you wear protective gear. I assumed this meant you had a sun allergy.  After yesterday, I am not so sure.  How did your side close up as it did?"

    "You did not get medical attention.  The medics never came. I gave you CPR to help you breathe, and that was all."

     "Yet, here you are with the wound all cleared up."

     "How did you know?"

       Stella shook her head.  "I had to take off the shirt to help you. I saw no wound or blood then."

         She looked at him as if she had seen a stranger. She gently bopped his nose.

         "Tell me, who are you?  Better yet, what are you?"

        "I do not know what you mean."  Nathan lied.

       "Liar, tell me the truth."
     "Fine, I am a freak, okay. I am a half-human half-vampire."

          Stella looked at him in surprise. She did not know how to respond to what he had told her. She was taken aback by it all. 

          Nathan turned his head away. He was sure her silence meant she wanted nothing more to do with him. It was as he had feared.  Stella despised him. 

        "Stella, I am sorry. I am not good enough for you."

        "I am just a monster in your eyes."

        Nathan took off before she could respond. He was afraid to hear an answer. He was sure she would reject him and tell him not to get near her again.  

       Stella stood on the spot in shock. She had no idea how to explain it.  She was speechless at his announcement he was half-bred. 

       "You are not a monster," She called out into the silent mid-afternoon air.

       The story continues in Chapter 18

     bye-bye, little owlets!

    Summer out!

Watch out for Vampires   by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now