Chapter 15

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      Mrs. Nancy Helenda Fergueson finished the scientific experimentation for now.  She knew Celeste had not been completely honest with them.  She hoped it was not boyfriend trouble as Celeste and Steve were great together.  She hardly thought that made sense as Celeste had not sounded distraught when she had spoken to them. Perhaps, it had more to do with her brother Nathan. 

       " Hmm, I suppose I will have to pry it out of her sooner or later."

     "What was that you said, dear?"

    "I am worried.  Celeste did not quite tell us everything."

     "Nancy, I am sure you worry about nothing."  Mr. Fergueson said to try to reassure her.

       "Maybe, you are right. I am probably being overprotective as a mother."

         Nancy was not so sure. How was she to know that something was not seriously wrong with Nathan?  Why else did Celeste call them?  She sighed.

          She hoped she was worried about nothing as her husband believed. She supposed she could try asking her mother.  She felt like the truth must be hard for Nathan. Maybe, that was all there was to it.  

          Nathan always did tend to doubt such things when it concerned the unknown.  He was way different than Celeste.  His mother hoped he would never find out more details about the family's past. It would be far too dangerous for him to know about it. 

         Nancy breathed a sigh of relief that Celeste did not know it all. At least, this way, she knew her daughter would not accidentally spill the news to him. She felt this was a relief while it was a burden too.  No parent should have to withhold information from their children to keep them safe.   She had agreed to this very thing.

          She sat in her chair about to crochet something when she had a horrid flashback. 

          "Ah, no!" She screamed.

          "John, stop it.  You are harming her. Let her go, now!"

        "No! No!"

     She felt sweat fall down her forehead as the pain seeped in from the tragic memory that haunted her.  It had not gotten better over time as the psychiatrist had promised.

        She suddenly felt herself grow faint. She needed food now, quick.

        She ate the toast her husband offered her. She drank some milk too. 

         "The memories are worse every time."

            Nancy muttered right before she passed out asleep in the easy chair. Her husband covered her with a blanket.

            "Nathan is fine, honey."

           "He is nothing like his brother. So calm down," Mr. Fergueson whispered.

           "Nathan, do not go near the house,"  His wife screamed in her sleep.

           Mr.Fergueson shook his head. He would have known his wife's condition had grown worse over time. He had not wanted to admit it. He should have seen it coming. After all, she had witnessed John's death.  It had never been easy on her. He pitied her. He loved her. He stayed because he knew no one else could care for her as much as he did.

          the story continues in Chapter 16

        Until then, bye-bye, little owlets!

       Summer out!

Watch out for Vampires   by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now