Chapter 5

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    Jacob Henry Jacobs was relieved. He had gotten his report card.  He saw that his math and science grades were better than last semester. Good thing too, or he would have been kicked off the team. He knew his father would be pleased to hear the good news.

     "Father, I made all A's this semester!" 

    His father did not nudge.  He never did much these days.  He felt sorry for him. He knew it was not easy on either of them ever since his mother ran off with the gardener five years ago. Sure, he pretended like it did not trouble him.  It hurt more than he let on.

    "Whoa, I am proud, of you son," Was all his father said.

   Jacob figured it was better than nothing.  His father seemed to be a man of few words these days.  On some rare occasions, he asked how things went with Stella.

    "Stella, treating you well?"

    "Yes, but she says the craziest things sometimes!  I mean, what is with that woman?"

       "Son, try not to be too hard on her. It is bad enough your mother is a ****  *****   ^^   #$%$%!"

      "Father, language!  I am old enough to handle things on my own."  Jacob gently reminded his father.

     Jacob was grateful his father did not know that Stella was so caught up with the fantasy style of the genre that she believed it was included in real life.  He did not know how to bring it up.

    "Jacob, come on, you can tell me.  What is bothering you, son? I heard you two had a falling out!"

     "Dad, it is nothing you would understand. "

   "I doubt that now come on, try me."

   "Fine, Stella thinks, Vampires are real!"

       Jacob saw his father's eyes grow wide at the mention of vampires. He was glad he found an apartment not far away to move into.  He just was not sure how to bring it up. The last thing he wanted to do was put his father on the defensive side.


    "Vampires are an old legend. An old folks tale, everyone knows they are not real. "

     "Yes, well, I tried telling  Stella, and she yelled at the top of her lungs, 'You will be sorry, Jacob Jacobs!' "

      Jacob stood in the doorway to his father's study. He was not sure how to proceed next. It was not like there was an instruction manual for dealing with a depressed parent. Not that he was aware of anyways.

   Find out more in Chapter 6

    bye, bye little owlets!

-Summer out!

*Author's note:  I hope you liked this chapter. I felt it was necessary to explain the rough family life of Jacob Henry Jacobs to show that popularity is not as always as good as it appears. Many popular people's lives are not all that put together.

Watch out for Vampires   by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now