Chapter 9

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   After school on Wednesday, Stella came home disappointed. All her friends had abandoned her, and Nathan had stopped speaking to her.  Why had everyone betrayed her?

      At the very least, Nathan could have waved at her, but he only glared at her from his window.     There was no way, he could ever like her. She sighed. She noticed he only left at night and always covered his face.

     Stella ran to her room.  She did her homework in silence.  Too bad, it was science homework tonight. She never was that good at it.    Well, at least her grade had gone up from a C minus to a B. She supposed that was an improvement of sorts. 

      Nathan watched her run off. He moved away from his bedroom window as he released the curtain.  He sighed in defeat, he loved her. He googled and searched brownie recipes on his computer. The results astonished him, 11,700,00 recipes.  

       "What? How can there be so many?"  

      He clicked on the link to fudge brownies and printed off a copy. Now, he would be able to make brownies anytime, he wanted.  He made a list of the ingredients on a piece of notebook paper and added some milk, and a few others things. 

        Nathan made sure his hood was secured in place.  He could not risk the off chance of any sun exposure.  He arrived at the store, found what he needed, and purchased them.

         Later, he made the brownies and placed them into a pan before he slide them into the oven. He set a timer.   "Beep!"      

     "What was it?"

       Oh, it is the brownies, he thought.

        Nathan gently set them on the stove to cool.  He felt bored. His mouth watered. 

       Stella heard the loud booms next door.  What one earth? She listened closer.

          "Oh, it is the sound of drums."

           She wondered, "Who played them? What direction was it coming from?"

             So many questions filled her head as the drummer played one song after another.  Suddenly, without warning, the music stopped. It was all silent now.

              Stella thought, Awe, I enjoyed it.

           Little did she know that the mysterious player was not far from where she stood.

               After Nathan practiced his drums, he sighed.  He had not taken lessons in years, and no one wanted to hear him play anyway.  He did not know Stella had overheard him.

              As he swallowed the food, he had a sudden flashback, one that haunted his dreams.

              the story continues in Chapter 10 

      until then, bye-bye, little owlets!

      Summer out!

Chapter published 5-19-2022, and edits were made 6-6-2022

Watch out for Vampires   by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now