Chapter 16

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      Jacob felt depressed. His grades remained good, the games were all great, and he did not have someone clinging to his jacket. He didn't understand it.

      Why was he so upset?   He was free to date whomever he pleased. He found himself more puzzled when he saw Stella after school.     He followed her home because he hoped to find some answers.   He saw her glance up at the next-door window.

     "Stella," He called out before he could lose his nerve."

      "Jacob, did you come to hurl more insults towards me?"

       "No, I came to seek your forgiveness. These last few weeks have been hectic and plain awful."

         "I see."

         "Will you forgive me and be my girl again? "

       "Jacob, forget it. I will never get back to you."


         Jacob was livid and grabbed her wrist. He held on rather tight.  

          "Ouch, let go!"

         " Babe, you know you missed me."

         "I said let go!"  Stella yelled at him.  

             Nathan saw everything. He was not too happy about it. He knew he had to do something. 

              "I believe the lady said, let her go, creep."

               "I mean it."


               Jacob scoffed and ignored the young boy. He wasn't going to let him take Stella.

                  Nathan came up to Jacob and punched him. Jacob pulled out a weapon!

                  "No!"  Stella screamed as Nathan clutched his side. 

                  Stella watched in sheer terror as Jacob ran off, and Nathan fell.   She looked closer and realized he was unconscious.    She dialed for help, but all the dispatchers were busy. 

                  She made sure he was safe. "Nathan, please live."

                 She begged him to survive as she gave him CPR.   Soon, he regained consciousness.



              "You are alive!"

            Stella was so happy she hugged him. Nathan hugged her.

               "Nathan, I cannot believe you would do something so dumb."

                "He was hurting you."

                Nathan saw tears in her eyes. "Love, do not cry."

                 He did not mean to let it slip out.  He gazed into her eyes. He saw the concern in them and maybe even love. No, she couldn't.  Could she?

                 He lifted her chin with his hand. He heard her sigh.

                "Stella,"  Nathan said. He hoped she would not hate him. He kissed her. 

                  Nathan pulled away. He could see the stunned look in her eyes.  He felt ashamed. Maybe he misread her.  He looked away.

                "I have to go."

               "Nathan, please, stay."  She begged him. 

             "I c-can't."


       Nathan ran out the door leaving Stella heartbroken. He knew she could feel the connection too. It was stronger than he thought. He must not let it happen again. He could not make her understand. He dared not make her one of them. 

        Stella watched him go. She felt as if he took of a piece of her heart with him. She sobbed. 

          Nathan went to his room. He cried.  "What have I done?"  He felt his side. It had healed suddenly, but how?

             Stella went to her room as well. She refused to brush the tears away.  "He kissed me."


  the story continues in Chapter 17

   Until then, bye-bye, little owlets!

   Summer out!       





Watch out for Vampires   by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now