Chapter 18

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       "You are not a monster," Stella called out into the mid-afternoon silence.

         Stella did not know if he had heard her or not.  She only knew everything was different now between them. She was confused.  It was not like her to be this way. Usually, she was confident.  

        Somehow it was not the same with him.  Stella sighed. She felt complete with him. She longed to have him hold her tight, kiss her again, and reassure her he felt the same for her.  

        "Nathan, how could you say such a horrid thing about yourself?"

        "I know I was angry, but I do not hate you. I could never bring myself to do so."

          "Why would you kiss me and leave?  Don't you think I deserve an explanation?"

                Stella stood there with tears of guilt in her eyes.  She blamed herself when he had gotten hurt.  She felt as if she had been the one to attack him.  

           Nathan heard her tears before he could make it back to his room. He knew somehow he had hurt her again.  Why did he always do this to those he loved?  There was that four-letter word again. He had not experienced much of it.   He had fought the lad because he could not stand back and let him harm her. 

             He turned around as she rebuked him for what he had said about himself. He knew he should not have. It was too late to stop himself. Here he stood before her.

            "What do you want from me?"

             "Why did you kiss me and leave? Did not you think I deserved an explanation?"  

              "Stella, I  wanted to taste your lips. I knew it was wrong, but I could not stop myself. Please, do not discuss it further. It only torments me. I know you cannot see me as anything but the next-door neighbor boy.  Besides, I am all wrong for you. "

               "Nathan, no one decides my feelings for me. No one decides for me whom I choose to love or hate.  No one, you hear me. Not even you can make me hate you."

                 "Stella, I cannot be yours. I am sorry. I can never be fully human.  You are a human. I cannot ask you to leave everything to be a vampire.  So, forget you met me. It is for your good." 

                  Nathan saw her shake her head no. He saw her cheeks turn a bright red. He saw her reach up to his face with her hand.     Her thumb gently rubbed his cheek.

                  "Stella, do not do this."

                  "I  can never be with you. I  cannot take you away from your kind. I could not ask you too."

                "Shh, Nathan, I do not want to be without you."

                 Stella tilted his head so that he faced her. She could hear his deep breaths. She could see the love in his eyes despite his protest.  

               Nathan longed for it to be true. He knew a human never loved a vampire. Never.  He felt as if he could almost die from her touch. She was gentle, yet she did not know what this did to him. 

              "Stella, you mustn't..."

               "Shh, shut up, Nathan."

           Nathan gasped as Stella leaned in and pressed her lips into his.  He tried to pull away, but she deepened the kiss. He closed his eyes. 

            He kissed her. He pulled away for air.

           "Why did you kiss me?"

           "I do not want to date someone else. Please, do not push me away. I love you."

             "How could anyone ever love me?  I am a monster, a freak even."

              "No, you are the boy I love."

              Stella hugged him and kissed him again.  "I will do all it takes to prove it to you."

                "My love, do not hate me."

              "I do not hate you, Stella."

               "Then, please let me love you. I will never forget you. Never."

                  "Stella, you are to met someone grand, and soon you will not need me anymore."

                     Stella shook her head.  "No, Nathan, it is you. You are the one I love and want. No one but you."

                      Nathan held her close. "Well, then, love, I shall see you at 8 pm tomorrow. My place, do not be late  for our date."

                     Stella nodded her head. She felt as if she was in some crazy dream.  "Tomorrow night, eight o'clock at your place.  Sure, whatever you say, love."

                Nathan hoped his parents, grandmother, and sister would not find out about his date. He could not let them ruin things with him and Stella.  He was so happy she felt the same for him. 

                 the story continues in Chapter 19

                Until then, bye-bye, little owlets!

               Summer out!

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