Chapter 14

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        Mr. Fergueson sat in his overseas office. He was not too happy with his mother.  How dare she question how he chose to raise his son?  It was his business, not hers.  He has not always been the best father, but he did his best. He knew it was tough to expect Nathan to accept the truth about his heritage. The boy always was caught up in a fantasy world where humans existed outside the realm of werewolves, vampires, and other things said to be folklore.  It was about time Nathan accepted who he was for a change. 

         Celeste seemed pleased at the idea.  She appeared to be way more open-minded than Nathan.   She was full of creativity, while Nathan was closed to anything science could not explain.   It was no surprise that Nathan reacted in such an immature manner. Yes, in time, perhaps, he would not care so much his family was not human. 

          Mr. Ferugueson scratched his head. He hung his head low in shame. Why had he insisted on keeping the families life a secret for so long?  Maybe, he should have told Nathan the truth years ago.  He was to blame for his son's loss of focus on his private studies and his sudden outburst in which he took it upon himself to indulge in caffeine.  He must find a way to keep his son from being addicted to the brownies. Otherwise, there would be worse problems for the Ferguesons than a distraught teenage vampire.  He could not risk a rampage due to caffeine withdrawals.  The last time such an event happened, it did not end well.   

          He did not like to think about it.  His brother John Fredrickson Fergueson II went outside to seek after the woman he loved to find her with another man. He was furious, so he attacked everyone in the village. The fight ended when the sheriff took things into his hands.  He shuddered at the horrid memory.  Then, there were the bad memories of his Grandpa's death, the deaths of his mother, his firstborn son, and the death of his uncle. He purposely never told anyone about the child who died as it was long ago and the worst of all the deaths.  Few remembered the other boy ever existed.

          He often worried if Nathan and Celeste found out about Noah Fredrickson Fergueson I. What would they say?  Would they refuse to speak to him and their mother ever again?  He shook his head.  How would they find out?   His other relatives, the few who knew about Noah, were sworn to secrecy.  It was a secret they would take to the grave.

         His wife was busy sketching away at some prototypes. He knew it was for a science experiment they were supposed to work on together.  He and Mrs. Fergueson were scientists along with vampires. Most did not know they were vampires other than close family members to ensure their safety.

          He did not know about the girl, Stella. Celeste had not said a single word about her when she had spoken to her father a few days ago. She only spoke of her to her grandma. Celeste did not want their father to yell at Nathan for his unrealistic crush on a human girl.  


      The story continues in Chapter 15

       Until then, bye-bye, little owlets!

     Summer out!           


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