Chapter 7

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        During school, on Monday of the following week, Jacob ignored Stella. Stella noticed but acted as if she did not. She thought, if that is how he wants it, I will not say a word to him either.

        After class, Stella saw him come up to her, and she started to run off.  Why should she care what he wanted to say after the silent treatment he had given her all day?

       "Stella, I know you do not want to talk. I have something that needs to be said."

      "Jacob, I am listening."

   Jacob explained to her all the reasons he felt they were wrong for each other. He expected her to cry, to scream, or to punch him.  Nothing prepared him for her actual reaction.

     "Jacob, I agree. Besides, we both know you only dated me because you pitied me. I do not need your pity, or anyone else's for that matter!" Stella spat out!

       Then, Stella twirled her hair and walked off. 

       Jacob stood there in shock. He could not believe it. 

         Stella went home alone. She knew it would not be the first time. Somehow, it felt different this time.   She had accepted the fact, Jacob was all wrong for her.  She was not hurt when he dumped her. If anything, she was relieved.  

      This way, she could live her life without his ridiculing her for it.  She was happier than she had been in years.

        "Hi, Stella!"

        She turned around at the familiar voice.

          "Oh, hi, Nathan."

         "You seem different somehow. Is it a new haircut?"

          Stella shook her head no. She hadn't had a haircut in weeks.

            "Hmm, a new outfit, perhaps?"

           "No, that is not it either, Nathan."

             "Then, what is it?"

             "I am a free woman now. My boyfriend broke things off with me."

                Nathan gave her a puzzled look. "Do not girls usually cry when dumped?"

               "Yes, while that might be true, my boyfriend was a real jerk. He insulted me at school. He never complimented me, he never kissed me, never walked me home, and he always bragged about how close we were. He also always tried to make it sound like I was the one who initiated the relationship."

          "Ah, yes, he sounds like a real loser."

         "For what dating me?"

         "No for insulting you, not taking good care of you, and especially for giving you up."

            Stella stood there wide-eyed in surprise.  "It is okay, honest."

                "It is not when you are beautiful girl, why any man should be fortunate enough to date you.  It would be an honor to care for you."  Nathan stood with his hands on her shoulders.

                Stella was flattered.  "No one has ever said such things before, I mean, me beautiful?"

                 Nathan frowned.  "You are, and let no one tell you otherwise!"

              Nathan let go of her shoulders and went back inside his home. 

            Stella was left there with a stunned look in her eyes. She felt important somehow.  It was the first time she had not felt crazy, and the first time, she felt better about herself.  

             She returned to her room, astonished at all the things Nathan Ferguson had shared with her.   Her pretty? No, he must her mistaken with someone else.

            She sighed. She felt as if she had a special connection with the neighbor boy. 

              "Well, it is certainly something to consider," she said to no one in particular.

                Nathan shook his head once he entered his room.  Why had he told her all those things?

                He could not let her know he liked her. Not when she had just gotten out of a bad relationship.            

                   The story continues in Chapter 8

                   until then, 

            bye-bye, little owlets!

            Summer out!

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