Chapter 6

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     Stella was in her room. She worked on her homework. She tried not to think about the tall, mysterious yet handsome boy that lived next door. She knew he was off-limits to her since she already had a boyfriend. 

     "Besides, you barely met him."

    After she finishes her math, science, and history, she breathed a sigh of relief. She studied for her upcoming English test. She hated English class. The grammar was hard to remember, and she did not know when to use a semicolon. It was her worst subject ever.

   Stella finished her studies an hour later. She sat in awe at the nice view from her window.

     She saw him. Yes, Nathan was home from his walk at last. She did find it to be a puzzlement to her when it came to the way he was dressed.

      The guy did have most of his head covered, and he barely said a word to her.

         Yet, she was stunned at how attractive he was to her. Yes, it was like a moth being drawn to a fly. 

        Well, she thought, Jacob never showed any concern for me. He just cares about his fame.

        She determined to find out more about this new guy if it was the last thing she did.

      Stella ate her dinner faster than she had in weeks. She grabbed her jacket and purposely went around to the backyard. Here she could see that the porch light was on at the Fregureson's place.

     She smiled as she climbed over the small fence that separated her folk's place from the property line of the next-door neighbors. She walked over to the back door and rang the bell.

   She was greeted by an angry yet flustered boy.

   "What brings you here at this hour, Stella?"

    "I just dropped by to say, hello!"

     "Is that a matter of fact?"

    Stella nodded her head yes.  She handed over the plate full of brownies her mother had made earlier that day. She felt it was worth the effort coming here if it meant she delivered the brownies to a familiar face.

     Nathan frowned. It was that he was not happy to see her. It was just that his sister Celeste was gone out overnight and he was stuck at home by himself. He did not think it proper to have a girl over when even his grandma was out of town on an overnight trip.

      " What have you got there?"

     "Oh, well, you see, my mother made brownies for you.  She said to make sure you got them."

    "Well, thanks to your mother then."

      Nathan stared at her as if he thought she was a mirage or something.

         Stella laughed at the hilarious expression he gave her as he raised his eyebrows in annoyance.  She thought, if possible, he was cuter when he was angry than when he was not.  


          Find out more in Chapter 7

   bye, bye little owlets!

-Summer out!

Chapter published June 30, 2021

 Edits made December 20, 2021

Watch out for Vampires   by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now