Chapter 2

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    Celeste Alicia  Ferguson was her name.  She was about to turn twenty in the next two days. She never believed her parents were right to keep things about their lives so top secret.  Goodness, how was her dear brother, Nathan, to know anything?

     She waited for him to turn off the television set.

   "Tsk, you know you can not believe everything they say on that thing."

   She shook her head in disapproval and walked away.  She always hated those news people. She blamed them for all the unnecessary in-door activities, the lack of privacy, and such.

    She scoffed at the very idea.  She realized her brother stood no chance to find someone proper for him.  None at all.  How was he to find them?

    Then, again, since he stood out more than the others perhaps, he would.


       She wished her folks were around to guide him. It was up to her as his oldest sibling.  

     She knew she never explained what happened to the two younger siblings that left home years ago. It was because it was a memory too dreadful to share.

    She was glad that their cousins and a slew of other siblings were still alright.

      Most of the others were adopted, but that did not matter.  No, what mattered more was that they passed on the traditional ideals.

       Celeste sighed.  She figured it was a good thing she had a few extra weeks to train him.   Hopefully, he would be fully trained by then. Otherwise, she feared he would not be ready on time for what he needed to be successful.

     All this responsibility made her nervous.  This was all just dumped in her lap rather sudden like, since their folk's deaths a few months back.  She dared not speak ill of the dead.

   It was an unwritten rule never to do so. She intended to keep this rule.


    Nathan burst into her room.  He appeared to be upset. 

     "Nathan, you can not just come in here unannounced."

    "Sorry, sis, but it is important. Do you think that girl, the pale one knew what she was talking about on the television?"

    "Nathan, I hardly doubt it.  People will say anything for the money, you know."

     "Oh, but she seemed so sincere.  The markings were rather odd too."

     "Just drop it, will ya?"  Celeste yelled at him.

      Nathan apologized as he exited the room. He went back to his room. He thought, goodness, Celeste sure is ticked off.  He decided he must go to the source to find out more information.  It was not as the woman had much to hide anyway.

        Not with bruises that size.

        He disguised himself and left the house. He did not write any notes. He chose not to travel by sunlight. No, that was far too risky.

          Just in case, he did have a sunproof suit on over his clothes.  He never could be too careful.


    Find out more in Chapter 3

    -Summer out!             

Watch out for Vampires   by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now