Chapter 20

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   At midnight, Nathan could sense the presence of someone else in the house. This was odd because his sister and grandmother weren't home, and he and Stella were the only ones there. Yet, he felt her presence the same.

  He shouted at the person to leave and never return to his home. A sudden peacefulness filled him after the unwanted visitor departed. He smiled, but as he slept, he had a fit. His nightmares came back to haunt him.

   Stella rested well but had a sense of urgency. She did not know it, but her dreams warned her.

       "Stella's dream number 1..."

           She sat on the sofa and Nathan approached her. He removed the bandage and began to suck her blood from the wound. She groaned from the pain but did not fletch.

         "Nathan, what are you doing?" She called out.

         "I am marking you as mine,"  He said. His eyes had a far-off look about them, and he slowly sipped her blood.  He was pleased with the taste and how it made him feel. This was much better than animal blood.

          "W-what do you mean?" She asked.

         "I mean I am bonding with you. I am marking you as my girl and all shall know not to mess with what is mine," He said his voice sounded odd.

          Stella had no idea what he meant, but she could feel his tongue lap up some of the blood from her open sore. She felt him pull away and reach up to hold her face.


    She smiled at him. He smiled at her. He did something next she never thought him capable of right then. He sunk his teeth into her left cheek making the scar tissue there open. There formed a scratch and a small bite mark beside it. He put his lips over it and drank her blood.

    Soon, he felt her relax. As her eyes drooped close, he whispered, "Stella, soon, you will be mine forever. No one will ever have you, but me."  He pulled away from her cheek,  patched it up, then repatched her arm.  He turned her over so that her neck faced him. Now, for the final plunge, he thought. He brushed his fangs against her smooth neck surface area, and slowly licked her. Then, he clamped his fangs into her neck. This resulted in a nice bite mark in the shape of a v.  He smirked and whispered," Don't worry, you will be my vampire queen real soon."

    He drank some blood slowly from her neck. He kept sipping until he saw her turn pale. Then, he stopped. "Rest, love, for tomorrow we wed," He said.

  "Stella's dream number 2..."

In this dream, Nathan had made her like himself. He smirked and she did the same.

He got no complaints out of her. He had secretly called the vampire ceremony person. The man came right over and performed it privately for them.  

   After this, he left town for a few days.

       Nathan smiled at his new bride. "So, my queen, what shall we do first?  We are husband and wife, so what would you like?" He said huskily.

       Stella smiled at him bashfully. "I want whatever you want," She said.

              Nathan blushed and she did the same. Neither was quite sure what to expect.

         "Stella's third dream..."

 This was the one that repeated parts from dreams 1 and 2.  The only difference was that in this one she was turned vampire, married to him, and they consummated the marriage. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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