Chapter 11

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       Celeste tried to call her brother to check up on him. She felt guilty that she left him alone while Grandma was away.  It was not always easy on him. Not when their parents always traveled out of town and were rarely ever home.

       Goodness, she could not remember the last time they came to the house. It was almost as if they were trying to avoid someone. Silly, how her thoughts dwelt on such things while she was at her friend's place. 

        She was always a bit of a softy. Despite being a vampire, she had a gentle side.  She figured it was due to finding out the truth about her heritage much sooner than Nathan. She grew up knowing the reality of the matter, so she was not upset.

       Her dear brother only found out within the last week. How could she have left him in such a state?   He was still in shock about the whole thing.   She hoped he found something better to do than play those blasted video games.      

        She heard the phone beep, then a buzzing sound, and finally heard someone pick it up.


      "Yes, who else would it be?  What do you want?"

       "I was calling to see how you are doing."

       "I am just peachy for a teenage vampire boy."  

       "Brother, there is no need for sarcasm here."

        "Fine, I am in despair, and there is nothing you can do to fix it. No one can."

        "I am sorry to hear that then.  Do you want me to come home?  If you do just say the word, and I will be home as soon as  can."

        "No need, I am eating brownies. I made them. Do not freak out, I wore the hoodie."

           Celeste breathed a sigh of relief at the mention of the hoodie, although it was nearly 9 pm now and almost dark out. She figured her brother never could be too careful.

            "I see, well, then, do not let me interrupt your brownies and whatever else it is you are up to."

             "For your information, I only played the drums while the brownies cooled."

              "Drums, but you have not picked them up in ages?"

             "So, maybe, it is about time I did. "

            "Does this mean you want to take lessons again?"

                 "No need, I can teach myself. Besides, the teacher was creepy and kept staring at me all the time. I rather not deal with that every time I play a song."

                  "Alright, brother, you take care now.  Try not to eat too many brownies, they might give you gas."           

              Celeste hung up as Nathan thought to himself now she tells me.  She stood there and shook her head.  She wished she could suggest something to cure his sorrow, but alas she could not think of anything. Nothing short of suggesting he marry Stella.  She knew he would only laugh at her. 

          Too bad, she knew Stella would be a splendid sister-in-law. It was because of her that Nathan even knew how brownies tasted.  Yes, Stella, could be a great asset to the family and a nice addition to the business. Too bad, she was human. 

           the story continues in Chapter 12

         Until, then, bye-bye, little owlets!

       Summer out!     

Watch out for Vampires   by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now