Chapter 4

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   Nathan sighed as the pretty girl closed the door to her house.     He cannot believe she was his next-door neighbor this whole time. He shook his head. He might as well not think about her.

    He continued on his way to the news station. He was about to discover the truth.

     He arrived there with a few minutes to spare. He got inside the place with less trouble than he thought. Perhaps, it was because his teeth did not show all the time.  At least, the extra sharp ones did not.  He decided to do his best not to scare anyone.

  "Hi, Miss, I made an appointment to see you."

   The news reporter smiled. She stepped aside.  

"Go, ahead I will be back in about forty minutes." She walked away.

    Nathan looked for the hurt lady. He did not see her. He frowned when he realized he was in the wrong place.

    He left without a word.  He ran to the hospital in a hurry.   He asked the check-in nurse where the room was for the woman that was seen on tv.

     He was glad she had not questioned him.  It was too difficult to have explained anyway.

     He got off the elevator and entered the room number she was staying in at the time.

      "Hi, Miss, I know, we have never met."

   "It might be strange, but could, you tell me what happened to you?"


      "Ah, yes, you see, I vaguely remembered much.  I recalled I was on the way home, and out of nowhere someone stepped out in front of me. I ask him kindly to move.  He charged at me, and he sunk his teeth into me, right here," The lady mentioned this as she pointed to her neck.

" He bit me at least twice."

     "I see. What else can you tell me about him?"

     " He had these huge long fangs,  pointed ears, and he sucked my blood."


   Nathan's stunned expression showed he believed her.

       "Well, I am sorry, to have bothered you, Miss."


        He went home but kept all the information to himself. He felt like it would have been inconsiderate to have shared it with anyone else.

           Find out more in Chapter 5

          bye, bye little owlets!

      -Summer out!



Watch out for Vampires   by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now