Chapter 1

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Narrator POV:
When the merged version of Goku Black and Zamasu was "killed" the Black part of him was sent to Hell, but not his Hell, for some unexplained reason, he was sent to a different dimensions Hell. This is his story of how he met a certain princess and her friends and agreed to become a patron of a certain hotel.

Goku Black's POV:

"Uhhhh.... What? Where, where am I?" I asked. I got off the ground I was lying on and looked around, I looked up and saw a huge star in a circle in the red sky. I saw a sign that said "Welcome to Hell!". "No, no, nooooooo!" I yelled building ki up attracting the attention of a few denizens of this horrid place. I was too mad to notice as I kept yelling "I am immortal, I'm supposed to be a God, I can't be dead, inconceivable!". "Hey you!" I heard a voice behind me say, I calmed down a bit as I turned around to see a pink and white spider creature, whom I'm assuming is a female due to its fluffy chest. "~Hey good-looking want to have some fun with me?~" she said walking closer to me, I was disgusted by its failed attempt at seducing me, "How dare you speak to a god in such a manner filthy mortal.", "~Oh I like it when you talk dirty to me, yeah, mmhh I'm so filthy, I need to be punished.~" she retorted. I felt my face heat up a bit, I shook off the feeling about to dispose of her with my godly judgement, when I heard explosions coming close by. I look to see a mechanical object in the sky shooting aimlessly at some buildings, "Hmmm that looks interesting." I say forgetting about the spider harlot and heading towards the battlefield.
*End of chapter 1*

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