Chapter 12

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I finally got down to the lobby with my new clothes on, surprisingly they fit perfectly. I saw Niffty cleaning, she stopping once she saw me and ran over to me, "Good morning Black!" she says happily, "Good morning to you too, Niffty." I say back, then the spider came in, "You two seem to be getting closer." he says with a wink as he walks past us, I didn't really care for what he said, but Niffty glared at him before zooming away to clean some more. I then heard the elevator ding and I turned to see Charlie and Vaggie step out, "Good morning ladies." I said politely, "Good morning Black, I'm so glad you're here, I need everyone here for this announcement." Charlie says excitedly. Soon everyone was in the lobby, Alastor was the last to arrive as we stood in front of Charlie and Vaggie, "So, what's the important news you have to tell us my dear?" Alastor asks, "Well, Vaggie and I decided to have a concert here to show sinners how fun it is here." she says almost yelling, "A concert?" Husk asks, "Yes! We'll all pick a song and sing it!" she says, "Brilliant idea my dear! I always love to sing a good tune!" Alastor exclaims, all but Husk and I agree. "Good! Then it's decided then, a week from now the Happy- er I guess Hazbin Hotel concert will commence." Charlie says happily, "How did I get roped into this mortal nonsense? I don't know any human songs, I was too busy exterminating them!" I thought, as she walks up to me, "So, Black, what song do you plan to sing." she asks, "Uh, Charlie about that I don't want-" I started saying when her smile disappeared and a hint of sadness filled her eyes, "To tell you, it's a secret." I say with a nervous smile and she seemed happy again, "Oh a secret huh? I can't wait!" she says as she walked away. "Damn! Why'd I say that? Whatever, I guess I have to find a song now." I thought as I sat on the couch, I felt another presence on the couch, I look to see Niffty staring at me with a large smile on her face, she looks around and whispers "I knew you would look good in those." she then kisses my cheek and leaves, my face heats up and I lay on the couch thinking about what to do about her and this concert. "Hey asshole!" I heard a voice say, I got a bit angry at the name and looked to see Vaggie sneering at me, "Move your legs, I want to sit." she commands, I complied and she sat next to me, I had enough of her rudeness, "What's your problem with me?" I ask, "Problem? Ha where do I start, 1st of all your evil aura, I can't trust you, 2nd was the first thing you said to us, you called us mortals like your some kind of god, get over yourself." she explains. I start to get angry the more she talked, we were alone, no one was around at the moment, so I took this chance and pinned her to the couch, "Hey! What the fuck are you doing? Let go!" she yells trying to break out of my grip, I then put both of her arms in one hand while the other covers her mouth, "Listen here you wretched mortal." I say in a whisper staring straight into her eyes, "I'm trying my hardest here to not kill any of you, and your attitude is not helping." I move in closer accidentally putting my knee in her private area causing her to whine, "Now, I'm going to let you go and when I do you better be a good girl and show me some more respect. Also don't utter a word about this to anyone if you value your friends lives, do I make myself clear?" I say my voice deepening, she nods and I let go moving back to my original spot pretending that nothing happened. She gets up and runs away, I also notice a wet spot on the couch and on my knee, I smile to myself as I start worrying about to concert again.

Vaggie POV:

"That son-of-a bitch, I knew it. I. Fucking. Knew. It! He, he, he's evil, but that look that he gave me, his commanding voice, his touch, it. It aroused me. No! Snap out of it Vaggie, I have to warn Charlie, but how? If he finds out he'll kill us all." I thought as I ran into the kitchen where everyone, but that monster was. Charlie looked at me and smiled, patting the chair next to her, I quickly sit next to her and grabbed her hand gently, "Is anything wrong Vaggie?" she asked with a worried look on her face, I just smiled and said, "No, I was just eager to get some food, I'm hungry." I say to ease her mind. "Breakfast will be ready soon, so don't you worry!" I heard the radio demon yell, "I knew I smelled something good." a voice said as it was shown to be Blacks, who just walked in, my body tensed and Charlie seemed to notice the extra pressure on her hand, "Are you sure you're okay Vaggie? You seem really tense." she says, "Isn't she always tense?" Angel asked jokingly, "Shut the fuck up." I yell back to the spider as my body started relaxing, he just laughed as the strawberry pimp came in with everyone's plates. After breakfast Niffty and that bastard Black disappeared to God knows where and it was almost time for Blacks session, "Vaggie could you please look for Black for his appointment and if you see Niffty tell her to help Husk in the lobby please?" Charlie asked, at first I didn't want to, but I was the only one around so I had to. I went to the elevator and went to Blacks floor first to get finding him out of the way, as I made it to his door I heard sounds coming from the other side, "Niffty wait, I have my appointment soon and you still got work to do." I heard a voice say, "Don't worry I'll make this quick. ~I know how much you like my mouth.~" I heard Niffty say, then I started to hear slurping sounds and some moans. I started to get a bit wet from what I was hearing, and after a while I heard the voice, Blacks, say "Niffty I'm, I'm cumming!" then a sound of choking could be heard, "Oh Black you came so much, even more than last time. Well that's that I'll see you later tonight my love." I hear her say, I was feeling odd and conflicted as I felt myself get a little wet. When I heard Niffty start heading toward the door, I panicked and ran to the elevator and pretended I just got out, "Hey Niffty! Where the hell have you been? Husk needs your help in the lobby!" I yell as I got closer, I looked down at her and noticed she had a little bit of white stuff around her mouth and I pretended not to notice, "Also, have you seen Black? He's late too." and as if on cue Black came out his room, "It's really sweet to be cared for so much that Charlie sent an escort for me." he says with a smirk, I got really angry at the remark and was going to chew him out when he shut his door, put two fingers to his head and said "See you down there." and with that he was gone, leaving Niffty and I stunned. What the hell is he?
*End of Chapter 12*     

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